The Internet
In addition to the library with its books, journals and electronic databases, you have the entire Internet to explore. Since 1987, people all over the world, usually as part of their jobs or schoolwork, have been scanning in titles, summaries, and even entire copies of articles and books, creating lists of resources, writing informative studies--and putting the results up on the World Wide Web for everyone to freely use. Many government agencies and non-profit organizations have Web pages--often chock full of information on social issues, the arts, science, the environment, or how to solve a particular problem. You may even find a Website devoted to your precise research topic!

However, keep in mind that the information you're looking for has been put there in two ways: by a human being who has a logic that may be very different from yours and who can sometimes make mistakes or omissions, or by a robot that lists every word regardless of context. You need to be prepared to spend some time sleuthing.