Site MapHelpFeedbackStep 4 - Review and Assign
Step 4 - Review and Assign

The last step in creating an assignment is reviewing it and assigning it to a course / section.
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  1. Click the assign to course/section:  to select which sections you want to assign the assignment to.

    Note: Republishing an assignment linked to other sections overwrites all policies you have set in Step 3. However, Connect will display options to prevent overwriting the Available and Due Dates as well as Time Limits for other sections.
  2. Click the review policies link to view all the assignment policies currently set. Click the Edit link next to the title policy summary to go back to step 3 – Set Policies.
  3. Click the review questions link to view a list of all the assignment questions and assigned point values. Click the edit link next to review questions to go back to step 2 – add questions.
  4. Click assign to assign your assignment to your course section(s).

You are returned to the Assignment list. The course status will be listed as Show, meaning it is now viewable by your students.  They can begin the assignment immediately if your assignment policies have been set to allow that.

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