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According to the text, youths born in the 1980s and 1990s are part of
A)the Baby Boom generation
B)Generation X
C)Generation Y
D)the Echo Boom generation

Some people believe that members of Generation X may be exspecially prone to violence because they
A)have been exposed to more graphic violence and sexual images than any other generation in history
B)are irresponsible, aimless, and exhibit high-risk behaviors
C)have survived urban blight, birth control, day care, and divorce
D)all of the above

In the wake of the Columbine shootings, research showed that the majority of students who were killed at school were killed by
A)rampage killers
B)known assailants, such as rival gang members or boyfriends
C)drug users

About one-fifth of all youth incarcerated in the juvenile justice system suffer from
A)a serious mental disorder
C)Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
D)low self-esteem

Sexual misconduct among youths has been liked to
A)chronic truancy
B)chronic delinquency
C)drug abuse
D)serious patterns of sexual aggression and violence in adulthood

Which of the following is not a factor related to youthful sexual offending?
A)Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
B)school accomplishment
C)family dysfunction
D)sexual abuse during childhood

Which of the following is not a factor correlated with chronic juvenile offending?
A)poor school performance
B)high IQ
C)history of family problems, including physical or sexual abuse
D)low educational attainment

Youths who break into computer system or vandalize Internet sites are known as
A)hackers and crackers
B)computer viruses
C)chronic offenders
D)all of the above

Violent juvenile offenders
A)often start offending early and become chronic violent offenders
B)are usually male and from a racial minority
C)tend to have histories of substance abuse and mental health problems
D)all of the above

Violent juvenile crimes
A)have been decreasing since the early 1990s
B)increased dramatically from 1986 to 1995
C)have been increasingly steadily for two decades
D)are less common than violent crimes by adults

Christian identity groups
A)are often characterized as the "new storm-troopers" and have historical linkage with hate and white supremacy
B)are composed of individuals expressing a racist North American theological movement based on a distorted interpretation of the Bible
C)include the Ku Klux Klan
D)are paramilitary organizations fueled by anti-government conspiracy theories and fear of a "New World Order"

An example of a survivalist or militia hate group is
A)Michigan Militia
B)the United Racist Party
C)Aryan Nations
D)White People's Party

The most common crime reported against juveniles is
A)simple assault
B)sex offenses

Which of the following is not an indicator of abuse?
A)unexplained bruises and welts
B)eager to go home
C)consistent anger and aggression
D)frequent injuries that are "accidental" or "unexplained"

A factor that has made it easier for criminals to distribute child pornography is
A)the growth of gangs
B)increased income in the United States has made more people capable of buying child pornography
C)the Internet
D)all of the above