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Social Structure, Social Process, and Social Reaction Theories

Multiple Choice


Shaw and McKay's Social disorganization theory asserts that the area of a city with the highest rates of delinquency is characterized as
A)the central business district
B)the area where factories and commercial establishments exist along with private residences
C)the area of working people's homes
D)the suburbs around the city

According to Merton, an example of innovation would be
A)drug addiction
B)gang membership
C)joining a cult
D)burglary and auto theft

People who have lower aspirations for financial success, but still accept that an education and a good education would lead to financial success are characterized by Merton as

Subculture theory argues that
A)delinquency is the product of the strain caused by the inability of the lower classes to reach middle class status
B)delinquent youths hold values, norms, and beliefs in opposition to those held in the dominant culture, therefore, youths who behave in a manner consistent with their subculture will often be in conflict with the law
C)lower-class students fail at school because they are measured by middle-class measuring rods
D)delinquency is the result of the strain experienced by someone caught between the legitimate opportunity structure and the illegitimate opportunity structure

According to Albert K. Cohen, status frustration is
A)the result of a person's inability to obtain the goal of middle-class status
B)the result of not measuring up to middle-class measuring rods
C)a conflict that arises when the public's expectation of someone's role is different from the actual role that must be performed
D)one step in the process of learning criminal behavior

Cloward and Ohlin's Differential Opportunity Theory asserts that
A)illegal opportunities are stratified unequally, just like conventional opportunities
B)not everyone has access to the illegitimate opportunity structure
C)the illegitimate opportunity structure includes criminal mentors who lead youths to become criminals
D)all of the above

According to Cloward and Ohlin, gangs that develop in areas in which there are no adult criminal role models are known as
A)criminal gangs
B)conflict gangs
C)retreatist gangs
D)neotraditional gangs

According to Walker B. Miller's Lower-Class Focal Concerns Theory, the qualities valued by the lower class which encourage delinquency include
A)assertiveness, innovation, and ambition
B)courtesy, deferred gratification, and constructive use of time
C)respect for property, mentorship, and street smarts
D)toughness, smartness, and autonomy

Social process theories argue that
A)individuals who associate with delinquent peers are at significant risk of committing acts of delinquency themselves
B)individuals who have been raised in a dysfunctional family are at greater risk for delinquency
C)individuals who drop out of school are at risk for delinquency
D)all of the above

An example of positive reinforcement is
A)a young man breaks into a house and steals a VCR and gets cheered by his friends
B)a girl is punished for skipping school
C)a teenage boy steals a woman's purse, but it turns out to have nothing in it but a hairbrush and lipstick
D)a juvenile steals a car, is taken into custody by police, and placed on probation

Which of the following is an example of denial of responsibility, according to Sykes and Matza's drift theory?
A)"Nobody got hurt."
B)"The insurance will pay for it."
C)"I didn't mean to do it."
D)"Why is everybody picking on me?"

According to Sykes and Matza's drift theory
A)most delinquents hold conventional values, norms, and beliefs
B)delinquents must learn to neutralize their values before committing delinquent acts
C)delinquents use neutralization techniques to shield themselves from any sense of guilt over their behavior
D)all of the above

Social control theory focuses on the question of
A)why delinquency rates are highest in interstitial areas
B)why don't juveniles commit delinquent acts?
C)why youths join retreatist gangs as opposed to criminal gangs
D)why society produces strain between the classes

Travis Hirschi argued that people do not commit delinquent acts because they are bonded to the larger society through
A)attachment to parents
B)holding a good job
C)belief in the moral legitimacy of the law
D)all of the above

Harold Garfinkel referred to the process of labeling a delinquent as a
A)status degradation ceremony
B)primary deviance
C)secondary deviance
D)labeling occurrence