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Police and Juveniles

Multiple Choice


Which of the following is not a role of poliec in the juvenile justice system?
A)arresting delinquents
B)processing juvenile deinquents and status offenders
C)preventing juvenile delinquency
D)prosecuting delinquents

The index felonies in the FBI's Uniform Crime Report include
A)auto theft
D)weapons possession

The duties of police matrons included
A)clerical duties
B)dealing with juveniles
C)minor ordinance enforcement
D)all of the above

The professional period of law enforcement was
A)the period before the establishment of the juvenile justice system
B)the period from 1899 to the 1920s
C)the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1970s
D)the 1970s to the present

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a watchman-style police department, according to James Q. Wilson?
A)use of criminal law, threats, temporary custody, and problem-solving to keep the peace
B)a goal of improving the quality of life in a community
C)view of the role of criminal law as a threat used to keep peace
D)juveniles are treated in a paternalistic manner; order breakers are typically ordered to leave the area, go home, or keep quiet

According to James Q. Wilson, a police officer in a service-oriented police department will likely handle juveniles in what way?
A)arrest offenders and follow procedures closely
B)order disruptive juveniles to go home
C)prevent delinquency by maintaining order in the community
D)sponsor delinquency prevention programs such as D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T.

Several states have per se attorney laws that require that
A)a juvenile be represented by a lawyer in all critical phases of the justice process
B)juveniles must be notified of their right to have an attorney present and must sign a waiver before they talk to police
C)juveniles must be in the company of either an attorney or a parent or guardian whenever they are questioned by police
D)juveniles have the right to reject the assistance of an attorney at any point in the process

A police officer can take a juvenile into custody
A)only if the juvenile is suspected of having committed a serious offense
B)for a variety of offenses, including curfew violation and truancy, but only if the juvenile has committed an offense
C)either because the juvenile has committed an offense or because the juvenile is in need of supervision
D)for no more than 24 hours

The responsibility for enforcing status offenses lies with
A)the juvenile
B)the victim
C)the prosecutor
D)the police officer

A police officer may take a minor into protective custody because
A)the minor is a victim of abuse
B)a child has unexplained bruises, burns, or other injuries
C)no adult is providing supervision of the minor
D)all of the above

An example of a formal response to a juvenile offense is
A)refer to juvenile to court
B)ignore the behavior
C)release the juvenile to his or her parents
D)lecture the juvenile at the scene and release him or her

A classroom antidrug program led by police officer is
D)police cadets

A police program for juveniles that is often associated with Boy Scouts is
A)police cadet program
B)police explorer posts
C)police athletic leagues

Research has shown that there is a spike in the amount of juvenile crime during the hours of
A)2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
B)2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
C)3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
D)8:00 p.m. to midnight

Although the focus of PAL program is on sports, several programs have been able to
A)ferret out delinquency in community youth
B)drawing in juveniles for other types of interventions
C)promote the arts and culture as well
D)funnel juveniles into Boy Scouts as well