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1According to Ralph Oman, in the debate over whether NIH should be able to require researchers to put their reports in PubMed Central, three key questions must be answered. Which of the following is not among those questions?
A)What policy will result in the broadest dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarly articles?
B)What policy will result in the greatest income to authors?
C)Is the NIH correct in its assumption that the STM publishers will continue to publish their journals even if they lose 50 percent of their paid subscriptions?
D)Is it fair for the U.S. government to appropriate the value-added contributions of the private STM publishers?

2According to Ralph Oman, open access publishing will in time:
A)destroy the market for scientific, technical, and medical journals
B)strengthen the market for scientific, technical, and medical journals
C)destroy the research enterprise
D)invalidate the concept of peer review

3According to Daniel R. Perez, so far _________ cases of H5N1 bird flu have been reported.
A)less than 600
B)about 1,000
C)over 10,000
D)over 100,000

4According to Daniel R. Perez, concerning the information contained in the Fouchier and Kawaoka papers, it is most important to:
A)restrict its dissemination to keep it out of the hands of terrorists
B)restrict its dissemination to prevent public alarm
C)use it to benefit public health worldwide
D)confirm it by replicating the studies

5According to Julius Genachowski, the innovation and explosive growth of the Internet are directly linked to:
A)the arrival of broadband connectivity
B)the Internet’s design as an “open” system
C)the recognition that consumers have a right to access content of their choice
D)the recognition that consumers should be free to attach personal devices of their choice

6According to Julius Genachowski, there are compelling reasons to be concerned about the future of Internet openness, including:
A)limited competition among service providers
B)the economic incentives of broadband providers
C)the explosion of traffic on the Internet
D)all the above

7According to M. Granger Morgan, Robert R. Nordhaus, and Paul Gottlieb, the technique of moderating global warming by reflecting a portion of incoming solar radiation that seems most affordable and capable of rapid implementation is:
A)putting millions of reflective spacecraft into orbit
B)triggering volcanic eruptions to add sulfates to the atmosphere
C)injecting small reflective particles into the stratosphere
D)reducing emissions of “black carbon” or soot

8According to M. Granger Morgan, Robert R. Nordhaus, and Paul Gottlieb, one particularly strong inducement to undertake solar radiation management or geoengineering is:
A)rising sea levels induced by global warming
B)changes in precipitation patterns induced by climate change
C)the possibility that it could be used to reduce rainfall over enemy nations

9According to Steve Blankenship, the largest source of renewable energy in the world is:
A)solar power
C)wind power
D)geothermal power

10According to Steve Blankenship, hydropower development today is driven by unprecedented demand for renewable energy and ______________:
A)decreased regulation
B)greatly improved technology
C)rising fossil fuel costs
D)increasing availability due to global warming

11According to John Andrews and Bahman Shabani, the original vision of the hydrogen economy was rooted in concerns about:
A)Air pollution
B)Water pollution
C)Global warming
D)Running out of fossil fuels

12According to John Andrews and Bahman Shabani, a key principle for a sustainable hydrogen economy is:
A)A hierarchy of hydrogen production, storage, and distribution centers
B)Using hydrogen for bulk energy storage
C)Complementary use of hydrogen and electricity
D)Reliance on renewable energy sources
E)All the above

13According to Sir David Attenborough, the one causative element shared by global warming, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, air pollution, and other environmental problems is:
A)human population size
B)fossil fuel use
D)the economy of growth

14According to Sir David Attenborough, we face in the not too distant future a "perfect storm" of:
A)population growth
B)peak oil production
C)climate change
D)all the above

15According to Olga V. Naidenko, during the first two decades of cell phone use studies of the link between cell phone use and cancer:
A)found a plausible biological explanation for the link
B)found broad agreement that the link was real
C)produced conflicting results and few definitive conclusions
D)unanimously agreed that there was no link

16According to Olga V. Naidenko, recent studies of the cell phone-cancer link have found:
A)significantly higher risks for brain and salivary gland tumors among people who have used cell phones for 10 years or longer
B)no significant cause for alarm
C)no sign of a cause-effect connection at all
D)just enough hint of a cause-effect link to justify further research

17According to Jim Thomas, Eric Hoffman, and Jaydee Hanson, the risks of synthetic biology include:
A)destroying ecosystems
B)threatening human health
C)unsustainably increasing the pressure of human activities on land and marine ecologies
D)all the above

18According to Jim Thomas, Eric Hoffman, and Jaydee Hanson, pursuing the promise of synthetic biology for creating biofuels could threaten all of the following except:
A)the oil industry
B)efforts to conserve biological diversity
C)efforts to ensure food security
D)efforts to prevent dangerous climate change

19According to Bruce Knight, in 2008 the value of agricultural exports from the United States was about:
A)1 billion dollars
B)10 billion dollars
C)100 billion dollars
D)1 trillion dollars

20According to Bruce Knight, the cost of dealing with the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in the United Kingdom was about:
A)500 million dollars
B)1 billion dollars
C)5 billion dollars
D)13 billion dollars

21According to Henry I. Miller and Gregory Conko, genetic engineering can help prevent illness due to food contamination by:
B)ergot fungus
D)E. coli bacteria

22According to Henry I. Miller and Gregory Conko, in 1999 the Gerber foods company announced that its baby food products would no longer contain any genetically modified ingredients because:
A)pro-breast-feeding activists exerted pressure
B)anti-GM activists exerted pressure
C)GM ingredients had caused disease and created legal liability
D)government regulators insisted

23According to the Committee to Review Near-Earth-Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies Space Studies Board, the most promising mitigation techniques can be described as all but which of the following:
A)kinetic impactor
B)blast deflection
C)slow push or slow pull
D)civil defense measures such as evacuation

24According to the Committee to Review Near-Earth-Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies Space Studies Board, if a near-Earth-object more than 2 or 3 kilometers in diameter struck the Earth, damage would affect:
A)a large nation such as the United States
B)a large city such as New York
C)a multi-nation region such as Europe
D)all of humanity

25Radio astronomer and SETI researcher Seth Shostak, who believes we must maintain the search for ET, thinks that with reasonably projected improvements in detection technology, we:
A)are unlikely to detect extraterrestrial intelligent signals
B)are bound to attract extraterrestrial attention and visits
C)will abandon SETI because of the rising expense
D)are likely to detect extraterrestrial signals within a few decades

26According to Seth Shostak, a reasonable (conservative) estimate of the number of extraterrestrial signal sources or transmitters is:
A)10 - 100
B)100 - 1,000
C)1,000 - 10,000
D)10,000 - 1,000,000

27According to Eugene A. Cernan, the U.S. space program is most valuable for its role:
A)in demonstrating U.S. geopolitical leadership
B)as an investment in the future
C)in developing solutions to the energy crisis
D)in finding ways to manage global warming

28According to Eugene A. Cernan, the purpose of the original space program, culminating in the Apollo moon landings, was:
A)to establish military superiority over the Soviet Union
B)to move humanity into space
C)to develop civilian technologies
D)to achieve and maintain the U.S. position as the world's leading space-faring nation

29According to Marshall Brain, the first machines able to see, hear, and manipulate objects at a level roughly equivalent to human beings may be on the market by:

30According to Marshall Brain, the first wave of replacement of human workers with humanoid robots may happen by about:

31According to Mike McConnell, the sprawling United States economy is located in:
A)North America
B)New York's Wall Street, mostly
C)Europe and China
D)our communications networks

32According to Mike McConnell, the right strategy to fight a cyber-war must involve:
A)deterrence and preemption
B)deterrence alone
C)massive retaliation with nuclear missiles
D)counterattacks in cyberspace

33According to the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA), Indonesia's onerous market barriers do not include:
A)the requirement to locally manufacture film prints
B)endorsement of the use and adoption of open source software within government organizations
C)government-sponsored peer-to-peer download services
D)none of the above

34According to the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA), one goal of Indonesia's endorsement of the use and adoption of open source software within government organizations was:
A)reducing software copyright violations
B)denying technology choice
C)denying fair and equitable market access to software companies
D)increasing income for software companies

35According to John J. Miller, the target attacked by terrorists on September 7, 2005, was:
A)the World Trade Center
B)the New York Stock Exchange
C)the Life Sciences Research company
D)Columbia University

36According to John J. Miller, animal rights terrorism includes such tactics as:
A)property destruction
B)physical assaults
C)harassment of animal researchers and their associates
D)all the above

37According to M. J. McNamee and S. D. Edwards, Francis Fukuyama has called transhumanism:
A)the wave of the future
B)the world’s most dangerous idea
D)a threat to sustainable development

38According to M. J. McNamee and S. D. Edwards, advocates of “strong transhumanism” see themselves as engaged in a project aimed at:
A)overcoming the limits of human nature
C)space colonization
D)making The Matrix real

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