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1In the Laufer-Ukeles article, which of the following is NOT a category of reproductive choice considered by the author:
A)the choice to terminate a pregnancy.
B)the choice to reproduce with the help of a doctor using fertility treatments.
C)the choice to undergo medical intervention during pregnancy and labor.
D)a decision to engage a surrogate mother.

2In the Hill article, which premise does not represent what would be considered a negative, decisional right:
A)the right to health.
B)the right to abort a pregnancy.
C)the right to refuse medical treatment.
D)the right to prevent pregnancy.

3According to Dollard and Kahan, which of the following is NOT a reason that people would believe NO did not mean “no” in Berkowitz case?
A)Individuals adhere to a largely traditional cultural lifestyle.
B)Individuals believe in highly differentiated gender roles.
C)Individuals believe in hierarchical forms of authority and social organization.
D)Individuals subscribe to a more egalitarian cultural style that denies the legitimacy of hierarchical forms of social organization.

4According to Broach and Petretic, which of the following is NOT a form of sexual coercion?
A)persistent kissing and touching.
B)verbal pressure and emotional manipulation.
C)asking a potential partner if he or she would like to have sex.
D)taking advantage of alcohol consumption.

5Online harassment directed at women can result in all but one of the following negative consequences:
A)discourages women from writing and earning a living online.
B)raises their vulnerability to offline sexual violence.
C)empowers women to be more savvy internet users.
D)brands them as incompetent workers and inferior sexual objects.

6Which of the following is not a core feature of cyber gender harassment?
A)it is always anonymous.
B)the majority of victims are female.
C)the harassment is aimed at particular women.
D)the abuse invokes the targeted individual's gender in sexually threatening and degrading ways.

7Which statement best describes Margaret Sanger’s pro-birth control anti-abortion perspective?
A)Birth control is necessary to ensure that women have freedom to control their own reproductive capacities so that they can have freedom from abortion.
B)Birth control is necessary to ensure that the nation does not have to expand abortion to control population numbers.
C)Birth control is a cheaper way to manage population growth than abortion.
D)Birth control is a preventive measure while abortion is a corrective measure.

8Which of the following is NOT a reason that Margaret Sanger advocates for expanding access to birth control for poor, working class women?
A)They would not have to risk their lives to have an unsafe abortion in order to end unwanted pregnancy.
B)They would have the freedom to act responsibly and not birth sickly children they could not afford to raise.
C)They would cease to reproduce what Sanger viewed as “defective children”.
D)They would not have to take time off from work for pregnancy and to raise children.

91992, President Clinton signed the 1992 Defense Authorization Act which, for the first time in the nation's history, permitted the assignment of women to all but which of the following previously restricted military roles?
A)combat support positions.
B)combat naval vessels.
C)aircraft engaged in combat missions.
D)Air Force One

10Which belief is NOT consistent with how proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment view women in combat?
A)women are naturally pacifist and should not serve in combat.
B)for true gender equality, women to serve in combat positions.
C)a compulsory draft should apply to women.
D)women should be required to register for the Selective Service on their 18th birthday.

11Which of the following is NOT one of the forms of empowerment described by Newman in “Reflections on Sonagachi: An Empowerment-Based HIV-Preventive Intervention for Female Sex Workers in West Bengal, India”?
A)extrinsic empowerment
B)group empower
C)individual empowerment
D)structural empowerment

12Which of the following is NOT a reason that Dennis says most of the existing research presumes sex workers are primarily women?
A)Authors reason that most clients are men.
B)Straight men outnumber gay men.
C)Only gay men patronize male sex workers.
D)Male sex workers are more difficult to identify than female sex workers.

13Which of the following is not one of the “dual-earner” earning arrangements described by Medved and Rawlins?
A)dual labor force participation regardless of income level.
B)professional dual career couples.
C)asymmetrical earnings with "wives as senior partners".
D)job sharing couples who work part-time.

14Which of the following is not one of the consequences Liu and Hynes state as results from work-family conflicts?
A)Poor health outcomes.
B)Increased rates of divorce.
C)Decreased satisfaction in home life.
D)Low performance at work.

15Which of the following is NOT a wealthy nation with a low fertility rate?
B)Hong Kong

16Which of the following is NOT a poor nation with a high fertility rate?

17According to Anderson’s articles, which of the following is NOT one of the ways that transgender suffer due to current incarceration policies in immigration detention facilities?
A)easy access to appropriate services
B)sexual assault
C)serious physical injury

18According to Anderson, which of the following is NOT denied to segregated transgender detainees?
A)education services
B)a place to sleep
C)rehabilitative services
D)vocational programs

19According to Langton, the College Sports Council circulated a petition asking for Title IX reform for all but which of the following reasons?
A)men’s collegiate teams were being eliminated.
B)women had achieved equity.
C)rosters are capped at unreasonable numbers.
D)the proportionality requirement created logistical issues for colleges.

20Which of the following is not one of the three ways of assessing compliance with Title IX at the collegiate level?
A)whether intercollegiate level participation opportunities for male and female students are provided in numbers substantially proportionate to their respective enrollments.
B)a showing of continuing program expansion for the sex underrepresented in athletic participation.
C)a showing that the interests and abilities of the underrepresented sex have been effectively and fully accommodated.
D)surveying enrolled students on their satisfaction with the institution’s sports offerings.

21Critchlow and Stachecki’s article examines the close connection between which three factors?
A)constitutional change, public opinion, and political activism.
B)media, laws, and publicity.
C)history, equity, and laws.
D)social networks, culture, and politics.

22Which two laws does Pollitt cite as examples of how legal changes have accomplished the objectives of the Equal Rights Amendment?
A)The First and Fifth Amendments.
B)The Fourteenth Amendment and Title VII.
C)The Equal Protection Clause and the Second Amendment.
D)Title IX and the Buckley Amendment.

23According to Sommers, contemporary feminism is characterized by all but which of the following?
A)fixation on intimate anatomy.
B)focus left-wing politics.
C)the ability to freely pursue their own interests.
D)poisonous antipathy to men.

24According to Sommers, the classical conservative feminism of the 18th and 19th century was characterized by all but which of the following?
A)It embraced rather than rejected women’s established roles a homemakers, caregivers, and providers of domestic tranquility.
B)It centered on women as independent agents rather than wives and mothers.
C)It promoted women's rights by redefining, strengthening, and expanding traditional women’s roles.
D)It argued that a practical responsible femininity could be a force for good in the world beyond the family, through charitable work and more enlightened politics and government.

25According to Symanski et al, sexist events are defined as but which of the following?
A)gender specific event
B)negative life events
C)sexual encounters
D)socially based events

26The Daily Sexist Events Scale assesses sexist events in all but which of the following ways?
A)forms of traditional gender role stereotyping.
B)the Bechdel test.
C)demeaning and derogatory comments and behaviors.
D)unwanted sexually objectifying comments and behaviors.

27According to Curt Rice, vice president of research at the University of Tromso in Norway, more women than men turn away from academic studies during their doctoral studies for all but which of the following reasons?
A)the characteristics of academic careers are unappealing.
B)the impediments they will encounter are disproportionate.
C)the sacrifices they will have to make are great.
D)the opportunity costs are too high for the return on investment.

28All but which of the following factors play a role in gendered competition between women?
C)sex stereotyped roles

29In the Marks and Fraley article, the O’Sullivan person perception study rated men and women on all but which of the following domains?
D)desirability as a spouse

30According to Marks and Fraley, which is not a limitation of prior research on the double standard?
A)lack of general studies
B)the issue of demand characteristics
C)the presentation of sexual activity in a valenced fashion
D)little differentiation between attitudes and evaluations

31According to Attword, the word slut exemplifies all but which aspects of a sexual double standard?
A)linguistic sexualization.
B)denigration of women.
C)semantic derogation.
D)a humorous affection nickname.

32A dictionary defines a slut as which of the following?
A)a woman who lives alone.
B)a vulgar promiscuous woman who flouts propriety.
C)a woman who has a job outside the home.
D)a woman with a college degree.

33Perceptual confirmation includes all but which of the following ways of thinking?
A)the tendency to interpret the details of an event in a manner that is consistent with expectancies.
B)people tend to perceive men as less nurturing than they perceive equivalent women.
C)the tendency to believe that your individual perception is reality.
D)people tend to evaluate men more negatively than they evaluate women in domains that require nurturance.

34Benazir Bhutto theorized that the United States would have a more difficult time electing a woman president for all but which of the following reasons?
A)widespread availability of information works against women.
B)higher levels of education have not favored potential women leaders.
C)Americans are less susceptible to charisma in choosing potential leaders.
D)there are few qualified women in America

35Evolutionary psychology suggests that psychological gender differences are characterized by all but which of the following?
A)are a product of men and women differing in their strategies for reproductive success.
B)men and women have different strategies for maximizing the number of genes that are passed on to the next generation.
C)modern technology has changed the evolutionary process.
D)males and females engage in gender-specific sexual selection strategies.

36Parental investment theory suggests that all but which of the following is true for women?
A)women have more parental investment than men do
B)women are most likely to achieve genetic success by having fewer children
C)women are will be selective about their sexual partner, and caring for each of their offspring to insure their survival
D)women will choose the most attractive partner to have pretty babies

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