22 Elementary Graph Algorithms
22.1 Representations of graphs
22.2 Breadth-first search
22.3 Depth-first search
22.4 Topological sort
22.5 Strongly connected components
23 Minimum Spanning Trees
23.1 Growing a minimum spanning tree
23.2 The algorithms of Kruskal and Prim
24 Single-Source Shortest Paths
24.1 The Bellman-Ford algorithm
24.2 Single-source shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs
24.3 Dijkstra's algorithm
24.4 Difference constraints and shortest paths
24.5 Proofs of shortest-paths properties
25 All-Pairs Shortest Paths
25.1 Shortest paths and matrix multiplication
25.2 The Floyd-Warshall algorithm
25.3 Johnson's algorithm for sparse graphs
26 Maximum Flow
26.1 Flow networks
26.2 The Ford-Fulkerson method
26.3 Maximum bipartite matching
26.4 Push-relabel algorithms
26.5 The relabel-to-front algorithm
27 Sorting Networks
27.1 Comparison networks
27.2 The zero-one principle
27.3 A bitonic sorting network
27.4 A merging network
27.5 A sorting network
28 Matrix Operations
28.1 Properties of matrices
28.2 Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication
28.3 Solving systems of linear equations
28.4 Inverting matrices
28.5 Symmetric positive-definite matrices and least-squares approximation
29 Linear Programming
29.1 Standard and slack forms
29.2 Formulating problems as linear programs
29.3 The simplex algorithm
29.4 Duality
29.5 The initial basic feasible solution
30 Polynomials and the FFT
30.1 Representation of polynomials
30.2 The DFT and FFT
30.3 Efficient FFT implementations
31 Number-Theoretic Algorithms
31.1 Elementary number-theoretic notions
31.2 Greatest common divisor
31.3 Modular arithmetic
31.4 Solving modular linear equations
31.5 The Chinese remainder theorem
31.6 Powers of an element
31.7 The RSA public-key cryptosystem
31.8 Primality testing
31.9 Integer factorization
32 String Matching
32.1 The naive string-matching algorithm
32.2 The Rabin-Karp algorithm
32.3 String matching with finite automata
32.4 The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
33 Computational Geometry
33.1 Line-segment properties
33.2 Determining whether any pair of segments intersects
33.3 Finding the convex hull
33.4 Finding the closest pair of points
34 NP-Completeness
34.1 Polynomial time
34.2 Polynomial-time verification
34.3 NP-completeness and reducibility
34.4 NP-completeness proofs
34.5 NP-complete problems
35 Approximation Algorithms
35.1 The vertex-cover problem
35.2 The traveling-salesman problem
35.3 The set-covering problem
35.4 Randomization and linear programming
35.4 The subset-sum problem