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Chapter 01 quiz
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Which two factors are the focuses of contemporary biological theories of mental disorders?
A)Structural brain abnormalities and toxins
B)Structural brain abnormalities and neurochemical imbalances
C)Neurochemical imbalances and toxins
D)Genetics and infections
Which of the following is not a current biological treatment for mental disorders?
A)Electroconvulsive therapy
C)Psychopharmacological agents
Psychodynamic theory has been criticised for being unfalsifiable. The key reason for this is:
A)psychodynamic concepts are extremely difficult to measure and test using reliable and valid empirical techniques.
B)psychodynamic concepts refer to unconscious processes.
C)psychodynamic theory was based on individual patients who may not be representative of the broader population.
D)there is little controlled research evaluating the fundamental concepts of the psychodynamic perspective.
Systematic desensitisation is based on which behavioural principle?
A)Classical conditioning
B)Operant conditioning
C)Negative reinforcement
Which of the following is not true of the concept of diagnosis of mental disorders?
A)Diagnostic labels can lead to stigma.
B)Diagnostic labels explain the cause of symptoms.
C)Diagnostic labels apply to symptoms not people.
D)Diagnostic labels refer to hypothetical constructs.
'Black and white thinking' is a cognitive distortion in which individuals:
A)exaggerate the importance of something unpleasant.
B)draw negative conclusions without any supporting evidence.
C)evaluate experiences as either all good or all bad.
D)expect negative things to happen in the future.
Which of the following best describes the Scientist-Practitioner model?
A)Clinical practice should be informed by a scientific perspective.
B)Clinical research should be informed by a scientific perspective.
C)Clinical practice should be informed by research.
D)Clinical practice and research should be informed by a scientific perspective.
Mahira is an adult with an intellectual disability (mental retardation) who has been diagnosed with depression. According to the DSM-IV multiaxial diagnosis, Mahira's intellectual disability:
A)would not be listed as it is not a mental disorder.
B)would be listed on Axis I.
C)would be listed on Axis II.
D)would be listed on Axis III.
The specification of the number and duration of symptoms required for the diagnosis of psychological disorders in later editions of the DSM has led to:
A)improved validity of diagnosis.
B)decreased validity of diagnosis.
C)decreased reliability of diagnosis.
D)improved reliability of diagnosis.
Which of the following changes to the classification system has been proposed to deal with the problem of comorbidity of psychological disorders?
A)Replace the categorical classification system with a dimensional classification system
B)Replace the dimensional classification system with a categorical classification system
C)Replace the multiaxial diagnostic classification with an aetiologically-based classification system
D)Replace the categorical classification system with an aetiologically-based classification system.

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