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Personality assessment, measurement, and research methods
Larsen/Buss cover

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:

Describe and provide examples of the four sources of data collected by personality psychologists: Self-report data (S-data), Observer-reports data (O-Data), Test-data (T-data), and Life-outcome data (L-data).

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each source of personality data.

Discuss how each source of data can provide information not provided by the other sources of data.

For O-data, discuss the problems of selecting observers, naturalistic versus artificial observations, immediate versus retrospective observations, and molar versus molecular observations.

For T-data, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of mechanical recording devices and physiological recording devices, and provide examples of each type of device.

For T-data, discuss and provide examples of projective techniques, including identifying the strengths and weaknesses of these sources of data.

Discuss the conditions under which one might expect links among different sources of data, and how the presence or absence of these links can be interpreted.

Define reliability, including a discussion of test-retest reliability, alternate forms reliability, and internal consistency reliability.

Define validity, including a discussion of face validity, predictive validity, convergent validity, discriminative validity, and construct validity.

Define and discuss generalizability, including a discussion of the different "contexts" to which a measure might be generalizable.

Describe and provide examples of the three types of research methods used by personality psychologists: experimental methods, correlational designs, and case studies.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each type of research method

Identify and discuss when it might be appropriate to use one of the three research methods instead of the others.

Discuss how each type of research method can provide information not provided by the other research methods.