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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS: Concepts & Applications, 8/e

CHRISTOPHER R THOMAS, University of South Florida
S CHARLES MAURICE, Texas A&M Univeristy

ISBN: 0070601607
Copyright year: 2005

Welcome to the Website for Thomas and Maurice’s MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS: Concepts and Applications, Eighth Edition.

MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS: Concepts and Applications, 8e teaches students how to use microeconomic theory to analyze business decisions. In a clear and engaging writing style, Christopher Thomas carries on the tradition he and Charles Maurice shepherded for seven previous editions in the 8th edition. The 8th Edition explores the current market forces that create both opportunities and constraints for business enterprises. The book has enjoyed success in part because of its mid-level of rigor.

It is our hope that this companion Website aids teachers and students alike by providing helpful assets to enhance the course.

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