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Internet Exercises
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Hallmark began in 1910 in Kansas City with a teenager’s shoebox full of postcards. The founder, Joyce C. Hall, had an ambitious dream for creating a company unlike any other. Today, this organization has grown to have over 19,000 employees. The employees of Hallmark own more than 1/3 of the corporation though its Employee Profit Sharing and Ownership Plan. Hallmark prides itself on being a leader in employee benefits. It provides innovative benefits for employees that include adoption assistance, tuition reimbursement, and sick-child day care. The founder’s philosophy of "Good taste is good business" has guided this organization into becoming a multibillion-dollar business and the leader in the greeting card industry today. Currently, Hallmark cards can be obtained in 100 countries and in 30 different languages

Explore this Website. Prepare a short report indicating your responses to the following questions. Identify the human resource recruitment process of this organization. How does Hallmark indicate that it values its employees? Would you be interested in working for such an organization? Why or why not? What is unique about Hallmark’s employee benefit package?



With the history dating back to 1939, when All American Aviation began the flying post office to many western Pennsylvania and Ohio valley towns, U.S. Airways has gone through many twists and turns. The name U.S. Airways was officially put in place in 1997. With over 3200 flights daily the company serves over 170 airports at the system level. With over 26,000 employees, the company served over 47 million passengers. Explore the company’s Website. On August 2002, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. What type of plan does the company present to work through the bankruptcy that affect human resources at US Airways? How do they plan to deal with labor surpluses and shortages? Is the company hiring presently? Should they be hiring when they are facing a bankruptcy situation? Why or why not? Be prepared to discuss your responses with others in class.

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