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Key Terms
(See related pages)

assimilation  The absorption of ethnic minority groups into the dominant group, which often involves the loss of some or virtually all of the behaviour and values of the ethnic minority group.
(See page(s) 327)
commitment  Marcia's term for the part of identity development in which adolescents show a personal investment in what they are going to do.
(See page(s) 317)
connectedness  According to Cooper and her colleagues, connectedness consists of two dimensions: mutuality (sensitivity to and respect for others' views) and permeability (openness to others' views).
(See page(s) 320)
crisis  Marcia's term for a period of identity development during which the adolescent is choosing from among meaningful alternatives.
(See page(s) 317)
dating scripts  The cognitive models that adolescents and adults use to guide and evaluate dating interactions.
(See page(s) 331)
ethnic identity  An enduring, basic aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group and the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.
(See page(s) 325)
gender  The social and psychological dimensions of being male or female.
(See page(s) 327)
identity achievement  Marcia's term for adolescents who have undergone a crisis and have made a commitment.
(See page(s) 318)
identity diffusion  Marcia's term for adolescents who have not yet experienced a crisis (explored meaningful alternatives) or made any commitments.
(See page(s) 318)
identity foreclosure  Marcia's term for adolescents who have made a commitment but have not experienced a crisis.
(See page(s) 318)
identity moratorium  Marcia's term for adolescents who are in the midst of a crisis, but whose commitments are either absent or vaguely defined.
(See page(s) 318)
individuality  According to Cooper and Grotevant (1989), individuality consists of self-assertion and connectedness.
(See page(s) 320)
multiculturalism  The coexistence of distinct ethnic and cultural groups in the same society.
(See page(s) 327)
psychosocial moratorium  Erikson's term for the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy that adolescents experience as part of their identity exploration.
(See page(s) 316)
rite of passage  A ceremony or ritual that marks an individual's transition from one status to another. Most rites of passage focus on the transition to adult status.
(See page(s) 335)
sexual identity  An individual's inner conviction about his or her male or femaleness.
(See page(s) 327)
sexual orientation  An individual's sexual behaviour.
(See page(s) 327)
young offender  A young person who, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, appears to be between the ages of 12 and 18, and commits a criminal act.
(See page(s) 337)

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