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Multiple Choice Quiz
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"Emotionally Focused Therapy" was developed by::
A)Sigmund Freud.
B)Erik Erikson.
C)John Bowlby.
D)Thomas and Chess.
Consensual validation refers to:
A)the adolescent's first experiences of sexual intercourse.
B)support for one's attitudes and behaviour through another person's similar attitudes and behaviour.
C)parental acceptance of their offspring as independent adults.
D)attraction among similar individuals.
The "matching hypothesis" indicates that people:
A)under-report the importance of attractiveness in relationships.
B)end up choosing someone who is close to their own level of attractiveness.
C)place less importance on physical attraction as their relationships endure.
D)of both sexes across many cultures place the same importance on good looks.
Erik Erikson believed that the primary crisis of the early adult years is:
A)autonomy versus shame and doubt.
B)identity versus identity confusion.
C)intimacy versus isolation.
D)generativity versus stagnation.
Carl knows that acknowledging and respecting Joanna is part of being a good romantic partner, and he frequently talks about the importance of communication in relationships. However, he has not yet been able to make a commitment to marry Joanna. In terms of relationship maturity, Carl is at the __________ level.
When unattached university students identified their closest relationship, most named:
A)a friend.
B)their parents.
C)a close, but nonparent, relative.
D)a romantic partner.
A desire to have a partner who is adored and will be near is the basis of:
A)affectionate love.
B)consummate love.
D)romantic love.
In his triangular theory of love, Robert Sternberg describes all of the following types of love EXCEPT:
If the only real attraction that Richard and Jamie feel toward each other is sexual, Robert Sternberg would argue that they are:
A)experiencing infatuation.
B)experiencing companionate love.
C)experiencing fatuous love.
D)not experiencing love.
Which process in the family life cycle is related to "launching"?
B)leaving home and becoming a single adult
C)taking one's first job and entering the workforce
D)becoming an adolescent
Which phrase would many individuals begin to hear during the sixth stage of the family life cycle?
A)"How come I have to clean my room? I'm almost in the fifth grade!"
B)"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
C)"Hi, Grandpa. Hi, Grandma."
D)"Honey, I'm pregnant!"
Which of the following best reflects the changes that have occurred in marital relations over the past 70 years?
A)They have become more fragile due to the emergence of personal fulfillment.
B)They have become more stable because women are now more satisfied with their lives.
C)The proportion of women who never marry has increased dramatically.
D)There have been no major changes in terms of stability, only in terms of structure.
In a cross-cultural study of marriage around the world, Buss et al. (1990) found which of the following countries considered chastity to be the most important factor in marital selection?
D)United States
Gottman describes seven main principles that will determine whether a marriage will work or not. These include all of the following EXCEPT:
A)establishing love maps.
B)suppressing negative feelings.
C)letting your partner influence you.
D)creating shared meaning.
Which statement is NOT a myth about parenting?
A)The birth of a child will save a failing marriage.
B)Children will take care of parents in their old age.
C)When children fail, the parent is not entirely to blame.
D)Mothers are naturally better parents than fathers.
Women are having fewer children than in the past. One repercussion of this is that:
A)men are able to invest a greater amount of time in fathering.
B)fewer women are entering the workforce.
C)institutionalized day-care use is on the decline.
D)women are able to invest more heavily in their children's development.
Which of the following is a benefit of cohabitation?
A)Relationships in cohabitation tend to last longer than marriages because there are fewer pressures.
B)Relationships in cohabitation tend to be more equal than in marriage.
C)Cohabitation improves an individual's chances for choosing a compatible marriage partner.
D)Cohabitation leads to greater marital happiness and success.
Divorced men and women have higher rates of all of the following EXCEPT:
A)clinical depression.
C)sleep disorders.
D)immunity to diseases.
Typically, after getting divorced:
A)women with young children remarry within a year.
B)adults remarry within four years.
C)men will wait longer than women to get remarried.
D)most adults will not remarry.
With respect to gay and lesbian relationships, researchers have found that:
A)these relationships are similar to heterosexual relationships in their satisfactions, loves, and conflicts.
B)there are more conflicts in homosexual relationships than in heterosexual relationships.
C)gay and lesbian partners are generally more open about expressing their love than their heterosexual counterparts.
D)there is both more conflict and more satisfaction in homosexual relationships than in heterosexual relationships.
Jean Baker Miller (1986) believes that the study of women's psychological development:
A)opens up paths to a better understanding of both male and female psychological development.
B)will harm the inroads women have been making in terms of gaining equal status with men.
C)will further the feminist movement.
D)opens the door for women to gain a stronger foothold in the business world.
In her research on intimate relationships, Harriet Lerner (1989) found that:
A)many men distance themselves from their partner when the going gets rough, rather than work on the relationship.
B)once a person has reached his or her early twenties, it is nearly impossible to learn to act differently in key relationships.
C)it is important for a woman to bring her strong, assertive, independent, and authentic self to a relationship.
D)the future well-being of the world rests on women improving their relationships, and men improving their self-development.
In her book, "The Dance of Intimacy", Lerner (1989) argues that competent relationships are those in which:
A)separateness and connectedness strike a balance.
B)the intimacy versus isolation conflict is resolved.
C)self-determination is sacrificed for intimacy with others.
D)individuality is sacrificed for the good of the relationship.
According to Deborah Tannen's (1990) analysis of the talk of women and men:
A)lack of communication is high on men's list of reasons for divorce.
B)men use talk for imparting information, while women use it for establishing connections.
C)men are more likely to engage in rapport talk, whereas women are more likely to engage in report talk.
D)it is extremely unlikely that men and women will be able to make the giant leap across the communication gap.
According to Joseph Pleck's role-strain view:
A)men need to allow women into the workforce to alleviate men's burden.
B)the male role is contradictory and inconsistent.
C)men have become workaholics out of their macho need to provide for their families.
D)nurturing and being sensitive to others is now being viewed as a way for men to improve their lives.

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