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Key Terms
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Below are the key terms featured in this chapter. The textbook's full glossary is also available for online searching.

Acceptance  Stage of dying in which dying people come to accept the certainty of death
Active euthanasia  Death induced deliberately, as by injecting a lethal dose of a drug
Anger  Stage of dying in which dying people’s denial gives way to anger, rage, resentment, and envy
Bargaining  Stage of dying in which dying people develop the hope that death can be postponed
Brain death  Neurological definition of death; all electrical activity of brain has ceased for a period of time
Denial and isolation  Stage of dying in which dying people deny that they are really going to die
Depression  Stage of dying that includes both accepting the certainty of one’s death and experiencing preparatory grief
Euthanasia  Painlessly ending the lives of persons suffering from incurable diseases or severe disabilities
Grief  Emotional numbness, disbelief, despair, sadness, and loneliness accompanying loss of a loved one
Palliative care  A humanized program committed to making the end of life as free as possible from pain, anxiety, and depression
Passive euthanasia  The withholding of available treatments, allowing the person to die

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