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Key Terms
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Below are the key terms featured in this chapter. The textbook's full glossary is also available for online searching.

Anger cry  A cry similar to the basic cry, with more excess air forced through the vocal chords
Attachment  A close emotional bond between an infant and a caregiver
Basic cry  A rhythmic pattern consisting of a cry, a briefer silence, a sorter inspiratory whistle, and a brief rest before the next cry
Deferred imitation  Imitation that occurs after a time delay of hours or days
Difficult child  A child who tends to react negatively, who engages in irregular routines, and who is slow to accept new experiences
Dishabituation  An infant's renewed interest in a stimulus
Easy child  A child who is generally in a positive mood, who quickly establishes regular routines, and who adapts easily to new experiences
Emotion  Feeling or affect that can involve physiological arousal, conscious experience, and behaviour
Emotional regulation  Effectively managing arousal to adapt and reach a goal
Holographic hypothesis  A single word can be used to imply a complete sentence
Insecure avoidant babies  Babies who show insecurity by avoiding the mother
Insecure disorganized babies  Babies who show insecurity by being disorganized and disoriented
Insecure resistant babies  Babies who might cling to the caregiver, then resist by fighting against the closeness
Language  A system of symbols used to communicate with others
Maximally Discriminative Facial Movement Coding System (MAX)  Izard’s system of coding infants’ facial expressions related to emotions
Pain cry  A sudden appearance of loud crying and a long initial cry followed by an extended period of breath holding
Receptive vocabulary  The words an individual understands
Reciprocal socialization  Children socialize parents just as parents socialize children
Reflexive smile  A smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli
Scaffolding  Parental behaviour that supports children's efforts and promotes skills
Scheme  In Piaget's theory, a cognitive structure that helps individuals organize/understand experience
Secondary circular reactions  Piaget's third substage of the sensorimotor stage; infant becomes more object-oriented
Secure attachment  The infant uses the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the environment
Slow-to-warm-up child  A child who has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, shows low adaptability, and displays a low intensity of mood
Social referencing  “Reading” emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in particular situation
Social smile  A smile in response to an external stimulus, which typically is a face
Strange Situation  An observational measure of infant attachment that requires the infant to move through a series of separations and reunions with the caregiver and an adult strange
Stranger anxiety  An infant's fear and wariness of strangers
Telegraphic speech  The use of short and precise words to communicate young children's utterances
Temperament  An individual's behavioural style and characteristic way of emotional response

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