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Student Games
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Match and Win (2–4 Players)

Materials Needed:

1. Print and cut out the 60 cards on BLM: Match and Win.

2. Shuffle and deal eight cards to each player. Place the remaining cards face down on the table.

3. Select a player to begin. The player may lay down any two cards that are equivalent.
Example: 0.5 is equivalent to ½ or 50%.
• If the rest of the players agree that the cards are equivalent, they are put aside, and the player scores 5 points.
• The player then draws one card from the pile, and must discard one.
• If a further match occurs, it may be put down and scored.

4. The next player continues in the same way, putting down any matches to score points. Players may pick up either the top card on the discard pile or from the face-down pile.

5. Play continues until one player runs out of cards. This player scores 5 bonus points. Players with cards still in their hands lose 2 points per card. No one may obtain a score of less than zero after any round.

6. Play continues until players reach a pre-determined score or until the end of a pre-determined time.

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