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erosion  Cash-flow amount transferred to a new project from customers and sales of other products of the firm.
net working capital  Current assets minus current liabilities.
nominal cash flow  A cash flow expressed in nominal terms if the actual dollars to be received (or paid out) are given.
nominal interest rate  Interest rate unadjusted for inflation.
opportunity cost  Most valuable alternative that is given up. The rate of return used in NPV computation is an opportunity interest rate.
real cash flow  A cash flow is expressed in real terms if the current, or date 0, purchasing power of the cash flow is given.
real interest rate  Interest rate expressed in terms of real goods; that is, the nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate.
sunk cost  A cost that has already occurred and cannot be removed. Because sunk costs are in the past, such costs should be ignored when deciding whether to accept or reject a project.

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