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Clinical Case 8
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You are asked to consult on a patient who is hospitalized by an orthopedic surgeon. The patient is a 25-year-old female who has a history of osteomyelitis from an open fracture sustained in a skiing accident. She has recently begun to spike a fever and have a rapid increase in her creatinine.

  • Medications: Methicillin, ibuprofen, morphine PDA
  • Labs: Cr = 3.5mg/dl, BUN = 25 mg/dl
  • CBC shows mild eosinophilia.


All things being equal, what would you expect to find?
A)FENA > 2%, Urine Sodium < 20.
B)FENA < 1%, Urine Sodium < 20.
C)FENA > 2%, Urine sodium > 40.
D)FENA < 1%, Urine sodium > 40.

The patient’s exam shows a diffuse rash and the urine contains white cell casts. The most likely diagnosis is:
B)Interstitial nephritis.
C)Renal infarction.
E)Nephrotic syndrome.

How long after drug exposure does interstitial nephritis generally begin?
A)2–3 days.
B)10–14 days.
C)Several months.
D)A and B.
E)All of the above.

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