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Clinical Case 7
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A 9-month-old boy presents to clinic with his third episode of otitis media in the last 2 months. His other medical history includes pneumonia at the age of 7 months, for which he was hospitalized. Blood cultures at that time grew Haemophilus influenzae. His growth and physical development have been normal. Family history reveals a male cousin who died at age 14 months from pneumonia. On physical examination, there is no lymphadenopathy, and tonsillar tissue is not visualized. He has a bulging, erythematous tympanic membrane on the left. Lungs and remainder of physical examination are normal. You suspect immune deficiency and perform extensive laboratory workup. Flow cytometry reveals few circulating B-lymphocytes.


What is the most likely diagnosis?
A)Leukocyte adhesion deficiency.
B)X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
C)DiGeorge’s syndrome.
D)Chediak-Higashi syndrome.
E)Severe combined immunodeficiency disease.

You decide to treat this patient. You initiate IVIG. All of the following are major complications of IVIG therapy EXCEPT:
A)Renal failure.
D)Myocardial infarction.
E)Thromboembolic disease.

Which of the following patients is most likely to develop an anaphylactic reaction in response to the administration of IVIG?
A)A patient with IgA deficiency.
B)A patient with IgG deficiency.
C)A patient with sickle-cell anemia.
D)A patient with graft versus host disease.
E)A pregnant patient.

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