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Kinematics of Particles

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The motion of the aircraft shown is characterized at any instant by its position, velocity, and acceleration. Also of interest is the motion of the aircraft relative to the moving air. During the approach to a crosswind landing, the velocity of the aircraft relative to the air is a vector in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, and the velocity of the aircraft relative to the ground is a vector in the direction of the runway.

In this chapter, you will learn:
11.1Introduction to Dynamics
 Rectilinear Motion of Particles
11.2Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
11.3Determination of the Motion of a Particle
11.4Uniform Rectilinear Motion
11.5Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion
11.6Motion of Several Particles
11.7Graphical Solution of Rectilinear- Motion Problems
11.8Other Graphical Methods
 Curvilinear Motion of Particles
11.9Position Vector, Velocity, and Acceleration
11.10Derivatives of Vector Functions
11.11Rectangular Components of Velocity and Acceleration
11.12Motion Relative to a Frame in Translation
11.13Tangential and Normal Components
11.14Radial and Transverse Components

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