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Theories of Personality, 5/e
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Learning Theories
Skinner: Behavioral Analysis
Theories of Personality Cover Image

Chapter Objectives

1. Discuss the contributions of E. L. Thorndike and J. B. Watson to Skinner’s learning theory.

2. Explain Skinner’s philosophy of science.

3. Discuss the effects of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment on behavior.

4. Explain the differences between operant and classical conditioning.

5. Describe the process of shaping.

6. Identify and give examples of four different schedules of reinforcement.

7. Distinguish between conditioned and generalized reinforcers.

8. Discuss ways in which natural selection influences personality.

9. Discuss Skinner’s views on inner states and complex behavior.

10. List the methods of social control and self-control, according to Skinner.

11. Explain Skinner’s approach to understanding the unhealthy personality.