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Foundations in Microbiology, 4/e
Kathleen Park Talaro, Pasadena City College
Arthur Talaro

Web Links

General Microbiology
Microbe World
Gateways to the microbial world and the wonders of microbes. A comprehensive site from the National Science Foundation, the American Society for Microbiology and the U.S. Department of Energy. Includes a link to Stalking the Mysterious Microbe. (also in Spanish)

American Society for Microbiology

Astrobiology Web
Microbial life in extreme environments.

CELLS Alive!
Spectacular electron micrographs on-line.

Virtual Museum of Bacteria

The Virtual Cell

The Microbe Zoo
A virtual zoo filled with exotic specimens - arranged in pavilions representing specific microbial habitats.

Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc
Scientific photography through a microscope.

Bugs in the News!

Medical Microbiology
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
A gateway to a wealth of epidemiological information. The CDC publishes the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, an on-line epidemiological newsletter and Emerging Infectious Diseases, a journal tracking and analyzing disease trends.

World Health Organization
International human disease trends. Publishes the Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER).

The "Bad Bug" Book
This handbook by the Food and Drug Administration provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins.

All the Virology on the Web
A collection of all the virology-related Web sites and an index to virus pictures on the web, The Big Picture Book of Viruses.

Doctor Fungus
A comprehensive resource for descriptions of fungi and infections they may cause in people, animals and plants.

Understanding the Immune System
On-line tutorial from the National Cancer Institute.

Your guide to reliable health information.

National Center for Biotechnical Information
Includes links to GenBank, the NIH genetic sequence database that collects all known DNA sequences.

Access Excellence
The Site for Health and Bioscience Teachers and Learners. Includes Biotech Applied, information on the practical applications of biotechnology - drug development, industrial microbiology, and genetically modified foods.

TIGR Microbial Database
A listing of published microbial genomes and chromosomes and those in progress.