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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch

Cognitive Development: Piaget's and Vygotsky's Theories

Multiple Choice Quiz


The Piagetian stage characterized by the ability to develop goal-directed behavior, means-end thinking, and object permanence.
A)concrete operations
B)formal operations

The Piagetian stage characterized by the ability to use symbols and words to think, intuitive problem-solving, but thinking limited by rigidity, centration, and egocentrism.
A)concrete operations
B)formal operations

Piagetian stage characterized by the development of logical operations for seriation, classification, and conservation. Thinking is tied to real events and objects.
A)concrete operations
B)formal operations

Piagetian stage characterized by the development of abstract systems of thought that allow them to use prepositional logic, scientific reasoning, and proportional reasoning.
A)concrete operations
B)formal operations

What is the logical rule of transitivity?
A)the ability to infer the relationship between two objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third
B)the ability to mentally reverse operations
C)the understanding that an object that is out of sight still exists
D)the understanding of causation

To what does horizontal decalage refer?
A)the ability to think logically about time
B)the inconsistency of children's thinking within a stage
C)the tendency of children to assimilate rather than accommodate
D)the ability to conserve number

Which of the following conservation skills is likely to appear first?
A)conservation of area
B)conservation of numbers
C)conservation of volume
D)conservation of weight

Which of the following is not a characteristic of concrete operational thinking?
A)ability to think abstractly
B)ability to conserve
C)ability to think logically about real things and events
D)ability to engage in matrix classification

Which of the following is a defining characteristic of formal operational thinking?
A)abstract thinking
B)object permanence
C)intuitive thought

The ability to draw a logical inference based on the relationship between two statements or premises is known as what?
A)hypothetico-deductive reasoning
B)combinatorial reasoning
C)propositional logic
D)proportional reasoning

When adults break tasks into a set of subroutines that the child can successfully complete on his or her own, in which of the elements of the scaffolding process are they engaging?
A)controlling frustration
B)maintaining participation
C)providing feedback
D)simplifying the task

Which of the following is a conclusion of Tudge and Rogoff (1989) regarding children working together?
A)Children should work with others of the same age.
B)Adult-child interactions may be more beneficial than peer interactions when children are first learning new skills or concepts.
C)Children do not need carefully structured conditions to learn well from each other.
D)Children almost always learn more from working with their peers than they do from working with adults or older children.

Vygotsky's term for the process of constructing an internal representation of external physical actions or mental operations is _______________________.
A)community of learners
D)zone of proximal development

Which of the following is a difference between the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky?Which of the following is a difference between the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky?
A)Piaget places greater importance on the role of language in cognitive development.
B)Vygotsky places greater importance on the role of language in cognitive development.
C)Piaget did not believe in distinct stages of cognitive development.
D)Piaget was a social constructivist.

Which of the following is true according to Vygotsky?
A)Knowledge is individually constructed.
B)Knowledge is constructed between people as they interact.
C)Knowledge is gained through reinforcement.
D)Knowledge is gained in a passive manner.