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Issues in Economics Today
Issues in Economics Today
Robert Guell, Indiana State University

Personal Income Taxes


adjusted gross income (AGI)  Total net income from all sources.
capital gains  Any profit generated by selling an asset for more than was paid for it.
deductible  Approved types of expenses for income tax purposes.
deductions  Amounts by which AGI is reduced; the greater of either the standard deduction or itemized deductions.
exemptions  An amount by which AGI is reduced which is determined by the size of the family.
filing status  Classification of taxpayers based on household; can be single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, and single head of household.
horizontal equity  Equal people should be treaty equally.
income effect  An increase in price lowers spending power; if the good is normal, this further lowers consumption; if it is inferior, it can increase consumption back toward where it was (or even further). This effect works in either direction.
itemized deductions  Deductions for particular expenses on which the government does not want taxes paid.
marginal tax rate  The percentage of each dollar in a bracket that must be paid in tax.
neutral  When applied to a tax code, the implication that it does not favor particular forms of income or expenditure.
progressive taxation  Those with higher income pay a higher rate of tax.
standard deduction  The minimum level of deduction.
substitution effect  Purchase of less of a product than originally wanted when its price is high because a lower-priced product is available.
taxable income  Adjusted gross income minus personal exemptions minus (the greater of either the standard or itemized) deductions.
vertical equity  People across the income scale are treated fairly with regard to ability to pay.
withholding  Deduction from your paycheck to cover the estimated amount of taxes you are going to owe during a year.
