The Living World
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The Living World 2/e

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
The Living World, 3/e

Author: Dr. George B. Johnson, Washington University

ISBN: 0072347201
Copyright year: 2003

About the Author

Dr. George B. Johnson was born in 1942 in Virginia, went to college in New Hampshire (Dartmouth), went to graduate school in California (Stanford), and is Professor of Biology at Washington University in St. Louis, where he has taught biology and genetics to undergraduates for 27 years. He currently teaches two large courses for nonmajors, one focused on the biology underlying key current issues, the other on the biology of dinosaurs. Also a Professor of Genetics at Washington University's School of Medicine, Dr. Johnson is a student of population genetics and evolution, renowned for his pioneering studies of genetic variability.

Dr. Johnson has authored more than fifty scientific publications and seven texts, including Biology (with world-renowned botanist Peter Raven), The Living World, and two widely-used high school biology textbooks. In the 19 years he has been authoring biology texts, over a million students have been taught from textbooks he has written. Dr. Johnson has recently served on a National Research Council task force to improve high school biology teaching, and has been involved in innovative efforts to incorporate interactive learning and internet experiences into our nation's classrooms.

St. Louis residents are familiar with Dr. Johnson as the founding director of "The Living World", the education center at the St. Louis Zoo. Director of "The Living World" from 1987 to 1990, he was responsible for development of a broad range of innovative high-tech exhibits and an array of new educational programs. "The Living World" opened in 1989, attracting over 1 million visitors in its initial year.

On the day of the St. Louis blizzard of '83, Dr. Johnson married a local nurse, Barbara. They have three girls, Nikki (18), Caitlin (16), and Susie (14), and live only a few blocks from Washington University in a large rambling house shared with four cats and three dogs.
Johnson The Living World, 3e

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