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17.1 Human Life Cycle17.1 Human Life Cycle17.1 Human Life Cycle
  • The human life cycle involves two types of cell divisions: mitosis and meiosis.
  1. The human life cycle involves what two types of cell divisions?

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17.2 Mitosis17.2 Mitosis17.2 Mitosis
  • Mitosis, nuclear division in which the chromosomal number remains constant, is involved in growth and repair.

  • Cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm and organelles between the daughter cells.
  1. Is the number of chromosomes the same for all organisms? How many chromosomes are found in human cells?

  2. Following mitosis, how does the chromosome number of the daughter cells compare to the chromosome number of the parental cell?

  3. What are the stages of mitosis?

  4. How is the cytoplasm divided between the daughter cells following mitosis?

Animation Activity

Art Labeling Activity

17.3 Meiosis17.3 Meiosis17.3 Meiosis
  • Meiosis, nuclear division in which the chromosomal number is reduced by one-half, is involved in gamete production.
  1. What is the function of meiosis?

  2. How does the chromosome number of the parental cell before meiosis differ from the chromosome number of the daughter cells?

  3. How does meiosis ensure genetic recombination in the daughter cells?

  4. What are the stages of meiosis?

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Animation Activity

Art Labeling Activity

17.4 Chromosomal Inheritance17.4 Chromosomal Inheritance17.4 Chromosomal Inheritance
  • Normally, humans inherit 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes.

  • Normally, males have the sex chromosomes XY and females have the sex chromosomes XX.

  • Abnormalities arise when humans inherit abnormal chromosomes or an abnormal number of chromosomes.
  1. What process usually causes an individual to have an abnormal number of chromosomes?

  2. What is the specific chromosome abnormality of a person with Down syndrome?

  3. What are some other syndromes that result from inheritance of an abnormal chromosome number?

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