Organic Chemistry
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Organic Chemistry

Janice G. Smith, University of Hawai`i at Manoa

ISBN: 0072397462
Copyright year: 2006

Book Preface

When I began this project, my goal was to write a text that showed students the beauty and logic of organic chemistry by giving them a book that they would use. Five years and three drafts later, I present to you Organic Chemistry, a text based on lecture notes and handouts that have been developed in my own organic chemistry courses over the years. I have followed two guiding principles: use relevant and interesting applications to illustrate chemical phenomena, and present the material in a student-friendly fashion using bulleted lists, solved problems, and extensive illustrations and summaries. Organic Chemistry is my attempt to simplify and clarify a course that intimidates many students—to make organic chemistry interesting, relevant, and accessible to all students, both chemistry majors and those interested in pursuing careers in biology, medicine, and other disciplines, without sacrificing the rigor they need to be successful in the future.

The Basic Features

  • Style This text is different—by design. Today’s students rely more heavily on visual imagery to learn than ever before. I have therefore written a text that uses less prose and more diagrams, equations, tables, and bulleted summaries to introduce and reinforce the major concepts and themes of organic chemistry.
  • Content  Organic Chemistry accents basic themes in an effort to keep memorization at a minimum. Relevant materials from everyday life are used to illustrate concepts, and this material is integrated throughout the chapter rather than confined to a boxed reading. Each topic is broken down into small chunks of information that are more manageable and easily learned. Sample problems are used as a tool to illustrate stepwise problem solving. Exceptions to the rule and older, less useful reactions are omitted to focus attention on the basic themes.
  • Organization  Organic Chemistry uses functional groups as the framework within which chemical reactions are discussed. Thus, the emphasis is placed on the reactions that different functional groups undergo, not on the reactions that prepare them. Moreover, similar reactions are grouped together so that parallels can be emphasized. These include acid-base reactions (Chapter 2), oxidation and reduction (Chapters 12 and 20), radical reactions (Chapter 13), and reactions of organometallic reagents (Chapter 20).

By introducing one new concept at a time, keeping the basic themes in focus, and breaking complex problems down into small pieces, I have found that many students find organic chemistry an intense but learnable subject. Many, in fact, end the yearlong course surprised that they have actually enjoyed their organic chemistry experience.


The illustration program is a key component of the visual emphasis in Organic Chemistry. Besides traditional skeletal (line) structures and condensed formulas, there are numerous ball-and-stick molecular models and electrostatic potential maps to help students grasp the three-dimensional structure of molecules (including stereochemistry) and to better understand the distribution of electronic change. Unique to Organic Chemistry are the micro-to-macro illustrations. These pieces combine line art and photos to place molecules in a broader context. Examples include starch and cellulose (Chapter 5), adrenaline (Chapter 7), and dopamine (Chapter 25).

Organization and Presentation

For the most part, the overall order of topics in the text is consistent with the way most instructors currently teach organic chemistry. There are, however, some important differences in the way topics are presented to make the material logical and more accessible. This can especially be seen in the following areas.

  • Review material—Chapter 1 presents a healthy dose of review material covering Lewis structures, molecular geometry and hybridization, bond polarity, and types of bonding. While many of these topics are covered in general chemistry courses, they are presented here from an organic chemist’s perspective. I have found that giving students a firm grasp of these fundamental concepts helps tremendously in their understanding of later material.
  • Acids and bases—Chapter 2 on acids and bases servers two purposes. It gives students experience with curved arrow notation using some familiar proton transfer reactions. It also illustrates how some fundamental concepts in organic structure affect a reaction, in this case an acid-base reaction. Since many mechanisms involve one or more acid-base reactions, I emphasize proton transfer reactions early and come back to this topic often throughout the text.
  • Functional groups—Chapter 3 uses the functional groups to introduce important properties of organic chemistry. Relevant examples—PCBs, vitamins, soap, and the cell membrane—illustrate basic solubility concepts. In this way, practical topics that are sometimes found in the last few chapters of an organic chemistry text (and thus often omitted because instructors run out of time) are introduced early so that students can better grasp why they are studying the discipline.
  • Stereochemistry—Stereochemistry (the three-dimensional structure of molecules) is introduced early (Chapter 5) and reinforced often, so students have every opportunity to learn and understand a crucial concept in modern chemical research, drug design, and synthesis.
  • Modern reactions—While there is no shortage of new chemical reactions to present in an organic chemistry test, I have chosen to concentrate on new methods that introduce a particular three-dimensional arrangement in a molecule, so-called asymmetric or enantioselective reactions. Examples include Sharpless epoxidation (Chapter12), CBS reduction (Chapter 20), and enantioselective synthesis of amino acids (Chapter 28).
  • Grouping reactions—Since certain types of reactions have their own unique characteristics and terminology that make them different from the basic organic reactions, I have grouped these reactions together in individual chapters. These include acid-base reactions (Chapter 2), oxidation and reduction (Chapter 12 and 20), radical reactions (Chapter 13), and reactions of organometallic reagents (Chapter 20). I have found that focusing on a group of reactions that share a common theme helps students to better see their similarities.
  • Synthesis—Synthesis, one of the most difficult topics for a beginning organic student to master, is introduced in small doses, beginning in Chapter 7 and augmented with a detailed discussion of retrosynthetic analysis in Chapter 11. In later chapters, special attention is given to the retrosynthetic analysis of compounds prepared by carbon-carbon bond forming reactions (for example, Sections 20.11 and 21.10C).
  • Spectroscopy—Since spectroscopy is such a powerful tool for structure determination, four methods are discussed over two chapters (Chapters 14 and 15).
  • Key concepts—End-of-chapter summaries succinctly summarize the main concepts and themes of the chapter, making them ideal for review prior to working the end-of-chapter problems or taking an exam.

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