OLC t/a Ensuite 4/e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Ensuite: Cours intermédiaire de français, 4/e

Chantal P. Thompson, Brigham Young University
Bette Hirsch, Cabrillo College

ISBN: 0072402601
Copyright year: 2003

Feature Summary

Every unit and chapter has been constructed around a set of proficiency functions (asking questions, narrating, describing, etc.) that are spiraled throughout the text, giving additional practice to the more frequent functions. The functions are sequenced according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

Authentic materials are used to practice all four skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Grammar explanations are in English, followed by a number of contextualized exercises for student practice. Material is recycled to allow for additional practice.

Communicative activities – many based on realia – are designed to help students work together cooperatively in class.
Ensuite book cover

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