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Dimensions of Human Sexuality, 6/e
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Variations in Sexual Behavior
Dimensions of Human Sexuality 6/e Cover Image

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter you should be able to:

Explain the social and psychological implications of using various labels for rare or unusual sexual behavior.

Describe the ways in which paraphilic behavior resembles more typical sexual behavior and the ways in which it is fundamentally different.

Describe the important features of exhibitionism and related paraphilic behaviors, and then summarize the known characteristics of those who engage in such behaviors.

Describe the important features of pedophilia and distinguish between exclusive versus nonexclusive pedophiles, fixated versus regressed pedophiles, and homosexual versus heterosexual pedophiles.

Describe the important features of the continuum of sadomasochism (and related behaviors) and relate this to the details of the case study presented here.

Describe the distinguishing features of fetishism, partialism, and fetishistic transvestism.

Describe the important features of voyeurism, frotteurism, and eleven other even rarer paraphilias.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of classifying paraphilic behavior as coercive or noncoercive.

Describe the techniques used, and the difficulties involved, in trying to modify paraphilic behavior.

Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the biological, behavioral, developmental, "courtship disorder," and feminist approaches to explaining paraphilic behavior.

Summarize the findings regarding six additional issues that are important in understanding paraphilic behavior.

Summarize some additional questions and controversies that surround paraphilic behavior.