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Dimensions of Human Sexuality, 6/e
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Commercial and Coercive Sex
Dimensions of Human Sexuality 6/e Cover Image

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter you should be able to:

List and describe four principles that help explain how sexual imagery in advertising can influence behavior.

Explain how advertisers often make use of stereotypes, as well as our visceral responses to sexual stimuli to sell products.

Distinguish among erotica, pornography, and obscenity and summarize several important court cases relevant to these distinctions.

Summarize the messages about human sexuality that pornography promotes.

Explain the controversies surrounding child pornography.

Summarize the findings regarding the relationship between pornography and sexual violence.

List and describe the main types of female and male prostitutes.

Explain the relationship between prostitution and the spread of HIV.

List and describe seven pervasive attitudes that make dealing with coercive and violent sexual behavior problematic.

Describe four types of sexual harassment, what is known about their prevalence and impact, and what to do if you experience sexual harassment.

Describe the special issues surrounding sexual harassment in academic settings and between professionals and their clients.

Distinguish between rape and sexual assault. Describe the important features of five types of rape or sexual assault, and summarize what one should do if raped or sexually assaulted.

Summarize the findings regarding the impact of rape and sexual assault on survivors.

Summarize what is known about why particular individuals rape or sexually assault.

Describe how our society attempts to prevent rape and to deal with the rapist.

Distinguish among child sexual abuse, pedophilia, incest, and child molestation.

Summarize what is known about the prevalence and signs of child sexual abuse.

Summarize the findings regarding the characteristics of child sexual abusers and the response of their victims.

Describe the impact of child sexual abuse on survivors, including the controversy about recovered memories.

Describe how our society attempts to prevent and treat child sexual abuse and how offenders are dealt with.