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Dimensions of Human Sexuality, 6/e
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Female Anatomy, Physiology, and Sexual Health
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adrenal gland  A small endocrine gland atop each kidney, the source of a wide variety of important hormones. 88, 126, 279
androgens  Hormones that promote the development of male or malelike sexual structures and characteristics. 88, 126, 202
areola  The darkened ring surrounding the nipple of the breast. 83
cervix  The neck of the uterus. 79
clitoris  The erectile projection located in the front part of the vaginal vestibule. 77
colostrum  The thin yellowish premilk fluid produced by the mother's breasts within a few days following childbirth. 432
dysmenorrhea  painful menses. 94
endocrine glands  Glands that produce and secrete hormones into the blood. 85, 125
endometrium  The tissue lining the inner wall of the uterus. 79
estrogens  Ovarian sex hormones that promote the development of a woman's reproductive tract and her bodily characteristics. 87
external sex organs  Sex organs visible on the outside of the body. A woman's vulva; a man's penis and scrotum. 76
fallopian tubes  The ducts that connect the ovaries to the uterus for the passage of ova. 82
female reproductive cycle  The monthly events occurring in the ovary and uterus. 89
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)  The pituitary hormone that acts on the ovarian follicle in the ovary and on the sperm-producing cells of the testes. 87, 125
genitals  External and internal sex organs. 76
glans  The head, or tip, of the clitoris or penis. 77
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)  A hypothalamic hormone that directs the release of pituitary sex hormones. 86, 125
gynecological examination  A medical examination that focuses on female reproductive health. 97
gynecology  The medical specialty that deals with female reproductive health. 97
hormones  The chemicals produced by and released into the blood by the endocrine glands to serve as internal chemical regulators in the body. 85, 125
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)  A hormone produced by the chorion of the embryo-fetus. 88, 412
hymen  A membrane that may surround the vaginal opening. 78
hypothalamus  The lower portion of front of brain, from which the pituitary gland is suspended. 86, 125
hysterectomy  The partial or complete removal of the uterus. 102
inhibin  A hormone that inhibits the production of FSH, LH, and GnRH. 89, 126
internal sex organs  Those sex organs located inside the body. 78
labia majora  The outer genital lips that surround the vaginal vestibule. 76
labia minora  The inner genital lips that surround the vaginal vestibule. 76
luteinizing hormone (LH)  A pituitary sex hormone that stimulates the production and release of ovarian hormones and ova; identical to interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) in a man. 87
mammary glands  The milk-producing glands in a woman's breast. 83
mammography  An X-ray examination of a woman's breast. 105
menarche  The onset of menstruation. 89, 283
menopause  The permanent cessation of menses. 89, 361
menstrual flow  Menstrual discharge; menses. 89
mons pubis  The fatty, hairy pad over the pubic bone. 76
nipple  The tip of the breast. 83
ovaries  A woman's gonads. 82
ovulation  The discharge of an ovum from the ovary. 82
oxytocin  hormone that promotes release of milk. 87
Pap test  A diagnostic examination of cervical tissue of the uterus for the detection of premalignant and malignant cells. 101
pelvic examination  A medical examination of a woman's genital-rectal organs. 98
perineum  The body area located between the anus and vaginal opening in women and between the anus and scrotum in men. 76, 110
pituitary gland  An endocrine gland beneath the hypothalamus that produces hormones, including gonadotropins. 87, 125
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)  The physical discomforts some women experience prior to the beginning of menstruation. 93
progesterone  An ovarian sex hormone that promotes the repair of the uterus to receive the blastocyst. 87
prolactin  A pituitary hormone that promotes milk secretion by the milk-producing glands of a woman's breast. 87
relaxin  A hormone produced by the ovary and placenta that relaxes the pubic symphysis and uterine cervix in childbirth. 89
target cells  Cells with specific receptors for a hormone. 85
toxic shock syndrome (TSS)  A condition caused by bacterial toxins. 100
urethra  The duct from the urinary bladder to a woman's vaginal vestibule or through a man's penis. 78, 110
uterus  The organ in which the embryo-fetus develops; the womb. 79
vagina  The internal genital structure leading from the vestibule to the uterus. 79
vaginal orifice  The external opening of the vagina into the vestibule. 78
vestibule  The cavity between the genital lips. The vaginal vestibule. 78
vulva  A woman's external sex organs or genitals. 76