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Social Psychology book cover
Social Psychology, 7/e
David G Myers, Hope College

Prejudice: Disliking Others

Chapter Outline

The Nature and Power of Prejudice

  1. What Is Prejudice?
  2. How Pervasive Is Prejudice?
    1. Racial Prejudice
    2. Gender Prejudice

Social Sources of Prejudice

  1. Social Inequalities
    1. Unequal Status and Prejudice
    2. Religion and Prejudice
    3. Discrimination's Impact: The Self-fulfilling Prophecy
    4. Stereotype Threat
  2. Social Identity
    1. Ingroup Bias
  3. Conformity
  4. Institutional Supports

Emotional Sources of Prejudice

  1. Frustration and Aggression: The Scapegoat Theory
  2. Personality Dynamics
    1. Need for Status, Self-Regard and Belonging
    2. The Authoritarian Personality

Cognitive Sources of Prejudice

  1. Categorization
    1. Perceived Similarities and Differences
  2. Distinctiveness
    1. Distinctive People
    2. Vivid Cases
    3. Distinctive Events
  3. Attribution: Is It a Just World?
    1. Group-Serving Bias
    2. The Just-World Phenomenon
  4. Cognitive Consequences of Stereotypes
    1. Are Stereotypes Self-Perpetuating?
    2. Do Stereotypes Bias Judgments of Individuals?

Personal Postscript: Can We Reduce Prejudice?