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Life-Span Development Cover
Life-Span Development, 8/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas - Dallas

Early Adulthood
Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood

Essay Questions


Imagine that you have been offered the position of a career counselor at your college, but have been told that you may also need to offer advice to young adults about other life choices in areas such as drug use and sexuality What specific things will you need to know so you can help these students?

You have been asked to talk to a group of college students about sex. While you know many have probably been sexually active, you are advised that since you are their peer, they may be more open and honest with you in what they say and the questions they ask. You need to be prepared to discuss the whole range of topics including sexual orientation, physiological changes, sexually transmitted diseases and ways to prevent them, sexual harassment, and rape. How will you address each of these topics?