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Life-Span Development Cover
Life-Span Development, 8/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas - Dallas

Late Adulthood
Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood

Taking it to the Net

1. The 2000 Presidential election campaign raised many key issues of debate including the viability of the Social Security program. How much do you know about your social security benefits? Take this quiz and follow the links to learn more about this critical benefit's future.

2. Kristen's grandmother is getting too frail to live alone in her apartment, but does not yet need the care a nursing home provides. Is assisted living a good option for her? What are the types of assisted living facilities and what kind of services do they provide?

3. Jessica, a thirty-three single mother of three, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Just as a precaution, Jessica has made arrangements for her parents to raise the children if something happens to her. What types of services and financial assistance would be available to Jessica's grandparents if they need to take on this responsibility?