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What role does "common sense" play in the scientific method?

What is the basic distinction between the scientific method and other ways of looking at the natural world?

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a law? Between a law and a theory?

Scientific models do not correspond exactly to reality. Why are they nevertheless so useful?

What must be your location if the stars move across the sky in circles centered directly overhead?

In terms of what you would actually observe, what does it mean to say that the moon apparently moves eastward among the stars?

From observations of the moon, why would you conclude that it is a relatively small body revolving around the earth rather than another planet revolving around the sun?

The sun, moon, and planets all follow approximately the same path from east to west across the sky; none of them is ever seen in the far northern or far southern sky. What does this suggest about the arrangement of these members of the solar system in space?

What is the basic difference between the ptolemaic and copernican models? Why is the ptolemaic model considered incorrect?

Ancient astronomers were troubled by variations in the brightnesses of the various planets with time. Does the ptolemaic or the copernican model account better for these variations?

Compare the ptolemaic and copernican explanations for (a) the rising and setting of the sun; (b) the eastward drift of the sun relative to the stars that takes a year for a complete circuit; (c) the eastward drift of the moon relative to the stars that takes about 4 weeks for a complete circuit.

What do you think is the reason scientists use an ellipse rather than a circle as the model for a planetary orbit?

The average distance from the earth to the sun is called the astronomical unit (AU). If an asteroid is 4 AU from the sun and its period of revolution around the sun is 8 years, does it obey Kepler's third law?

How many fundamental forces are there? Which one is responsible for holding the moon to the earth? The earth to the sun? When you press against a wall, which force transmits your push to the wall?

What, if anything, would happen to the shape of the earth if it were to rotate on its axis faster than it does today?

What is the difference between spring and neap tides? Under what circumstances does each occur?

The earth takes almost exactly 24 h to make a complete turn on its axis, so we might expect each high tide to occur 12 h after the one before. However, the actual time between high tides is 12 h 25 min. Can you account for the difference?

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