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Thinking Scientifically
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1. Considering filtration:
a. Urine, not urea, is made by the kidneys. What is the difference between urine and urea?


b. Blood pressure in the glomerulus favors filtration of molecules. The efferent arteriole (leaving the glomerulus) is narrower than the afferent arteriole (leading to the glomerulus). What effect does this have on blood pressure in the glomerulus?


c. What force would oppose filtration of molecules from the glomerulus? (Hint, review the forces involved in capillary exchange.)


d. If there is a loss of proteins from blood into the glomerular capsule, would the filtration rate increase or decrease? (Assume constant blood pressure.)


2. Considering urine formation:
a. If 99% of water is reabsorbed, how can urine be 95% water.


b. Carrier molecules work as fast as they can to return glucose to blood. Explain why excess glucose is not returned.


c. When CO2 is excreted by the lungs, does blood become more acidic or more basic? If the HCO3- is excreted by the kidneys, does blood become more acidic or more basic?


d. The maintenance of normal blood pH is a very important function of the kidneys. What molecules in the cells are affected by pH changes.


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