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Thinking Scientifically
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1. Considering photoreceptors:
a. Devise a categorization for the parts of the eye (Table 18.2). Justify your system of categorization. When a person needs glasses, which of your categories is at fault?


b. Phytochrome and chlorophyll (plant pigments) and retinal in our eyes are all pigments. What features do they have in common?


c. The pineal gland, located on the edge of the third ventricle of the brain, is sensitive to the length of the day and the night. Hypothesize how the pineal gland detects when it is day or night.


2. Considering the human ear:
a. Fishes do not have ears, but they do have a lateral line that contains mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to fluid pressure waves. What fossil evidence is needed to support the hypothesis that the lateral line of fishes evolved into the human ear?


b. What part of the human ear (outer, middle, inner) would you expect to have evolved from the lateral line? What parts of the human ear would you expect to have evolved from other structures or to have been "added on," considering that humans are terrestrial? Why?


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