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23.1 Mendel's Laws

  • Today it is known that alleles (alternate forms of a gene), located on chromosomes, control the traits of individuals.
  • Mendel discovered certain laws of heredity after doing experiments with garden peas during the mid-1800s.
  • The law of segregation states that each organism contains two factors for each trait, and the factors segregate during formation of gametes.
  • A testcross can be used to determine the genotype of an individual with the dominant phenotype.
  • The law of independent assortment states that every possible combination of parental factors is present in the gametes.
  1. Explain the difference between "genotype" and "phenotype."

  2. When considering two alleles for each of two traits that are located on different chromosomes, why will gametes contain every possible combination of the traits?

Essential Study Partner
    Monohybrid Cross
    Dihybrid Cross

Art Quizzes
    Mendel's Experiment Results
    Dihybrid Cross

General Biology Weblinks
    Mendelian Genetics

23.2 Beyond Simple Inheritance Patterns

  • Polygenic traits include skin color, behavior, and various syndromes.
  • Blood type is controlled by multiple alleles and exhibits codominance.
  1. If a woman has type O blood, could a man with type AB conceive children with type O blood? Explain.

Essential Study Partner
    Beyond Mendel

Art Quizzes
    Continuous Variation
    Incomplete Dominance
    Multiple Alleles – ABO Blood Groups

23.3 Sex-Linked Inheritance

  • Certain traits, unrelated to the gender of the individual, are controlled by genes located on the sex chromosomes.
  • Males who inherit an allele for an X-linked recessive disorder exhibit the disorder because they inherit only one X chromosome.
  1. Why are sex-linked disorders, such as red-green colorblindness, much more common in males than in females?

Art Quiz
    Barr Bodies

23.4 Inheritance of Linked Genes

  • Alleles that occur on the same chromosome form a linkage group and tend to be inherited together.
  1. How is it possible to easily determine whether two genes are linked on the same chromosome or whether they occur on different chromosomes?


Inquiry into Life, 11/eOnline Learning Center

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