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Understanding Psychology Book Cover Image
Understanding Psychology, 6/e
Robert S. Feldman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Introduction to Psychology

Learning Objectives

These are the concepts and the learning objectives for Chapter 1. Read them carefully as part of your preliminary survey of the chapter.

Psychologists at Work
  1. Define psychology, including its scope, goals, and methods. (p. 4)
  2. Name and describe the different subfields of psychology and distinguish between them by giving examples of the work and workers in each field. (pp. 5-7)
  3. Identify and describe two newer fields of psychology. (p. 7)
  4. Identify the significant demographic trends of the profession, including place of employment, international and gender distribution, and educational background. (pp. 8-10)
A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
  1. Discuss the history of the science of psychology and the approaches taken by early psychologists. (pp. 11-14)
  2. Name and outline the key characteristics of each of the five current perspectives in psychology. (pp. 14-16)
Psychology's Key Issues
  1. List the key issues for psychology and be able to identify statements that represent each issue. (pp. 23-25)
  2. Understand the impact of culture, ethnicity, and race upon behavior. (pp. 19-20)
  3. Discuss the trends that are emerging within psychology. (p. 21)
  4. Differentiate between rigorous psychological approaches and popularizations. (pp. 21-22)