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acquired dysfunction  A sexual dysfunction that develops after at least one episode of normal functioning.
autogynephilia  Sexual arousal created by the fantasy of being a female or having a female body. This arousal underlies most transvestism and much cross-dressing.
dyspareunia  A sexual dysfunction characterized by pain during intercourse.
exhibitionism  Sexual gratification through displaying one's genitals to an involuntary observer.
female orgasmic disorder  A recurrent, lengthy delay or absence of orgasm in a woman.
female sexual arousal disorder  In women, the absence or weakness of the physiological changes or feelings of sexual excitement that normally occur in the arousal phase of sexual response.
fetishism  Sexual gratification via inanimate objects or some part of the partner's body to the exclusion of the person as a whole.
frotteurism  Sexual gratification through touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person.
gender dysphoria  The symptom of being unhappy with one's assigned gender; one of the components of gender identity disorder.
gender identity disorders (GID)  A condition in which people identify with the opposite sex so completely that they feel that they belong to that sex and that their own gender is simply a mistake. Also called transsexualism.
gender reassignment  The process of changing one's gender to the other gender, usually through adopting the dress, manner, appearance, and physical characteristics of the other gender. This may include hormonal treatment and gender reassignment surgery.
generalized dysfunction  A sexual dysfunction that occurs in all sexual situations.
hypoactive sexual desire disorder  A chronic lack of interest in sex.
incest  Sexual relations between family members.
lifelong dysfunction  A sexual dysfunction that has existed, without relief, since the person's earliest sexual experiences.
male erectile disorder  In the second phase of sexual arousal, a failure of the tissues in a man's penis to become congested with blood.
male orgasmic disorder  A recurrent, lengthy delay or absence of ejaculation and orgasm in a man.
masochism  Sexual gratification through pain and/or humiliation inflicted on oneself.
paraphilias  Sexual patterns—such as fetishism and transvestism—that deviate from the standard of normal sexuality as consisting of a nondestructive interplay between consenting adults.
pedophilia  Child molesting—that is, sexual gratification, on the part of an adult, through sexual contact with children.
premature ejaculation  A sexual disorder in which the rapidity of ejaculation interferes with the couple's enjoyment.
rape  Sexual intercourse with a nonconsenting partner.
sadism  Sexual gratification through infliction of pain and/or humiliation on others.
sadomasochistic  The term applied to sexual partners in which either a sadist and a masochist pair up to satisfy their complementary needs, or both partners enjoy both sadism and masochism and switch between the two.
sexual aversion disorder  Active avoidance of sex as a result of feelings of disgust or fear about it.
sexual dysfunctions  Disorders involving either a disruption of the sexual response cycle or pain during intercourse.
situational dysfunction  A sexual dysfunction that occurs only in certain situations or with certain partners.
spectator role  A sexual dysfunction in which a person is constantly watching and judging his or her sexual performance and is not able to relax and experience pleasure. This worry often causes the much-feared failure, because the tension blunts response to sexual stimuli.
transsexual  See gender identity disorders (GID).
transvestism  Sexual gratification through dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex.
vaginismus  A sexual dysfunction in which the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina undergo involuntary spasmodic contractions, making intercourse either impossible or painfully difficult.
voyeurism  Sexual gratification through clandestine observation of other people's sexual activities or sexual anatomy.

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