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Chapter Summary
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Organisms use one of three main sources of energy: light, organic molecules, or inorganic molecules. Photosynthetic plants and algae use CO2 as a source of carbon and light, of wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm, as a source of energy. Light within this band, which is called photosynthetically active radiation, or PAR, accounts for about 45% of the total energy content of the solar spectrum at sea level. PAR can be quantified as photosynthetic photon flux density, generally reported as µmol per square meter per second. Among plants, there are three major alternative photosynthetic pathways, C3, C4, and CAM. C4 and CAM plants are more efficient in their use of water than are C3 plants. Heterotrophs use organic molecules both as a source of carbon and as a source of energy. Herbivores, carnivores, and detritivores face fundamentally different trophic problems. Herbivores feed on plant tissues, which often contain a great deal of carbon but little nitrogen. Herbivores must also overcome the physical and chemical defenses of plants. Detritivores feed on dead plant material, which is even lower in nitrogen than living plant tissues. Carnivores consume prey that are nutritionally rich but very well defended. Chemosynthetic autotrophs, which consist of a highly diverse group of chemosynthetic bacteria, use inorganic molecules as a source of energy. Bacteria are the most trophically diverse organisms in the biosphere.

The rate at which organisms can take in energy is limited, either by external or internal constraints. The relationship between photon flux density and plant photosynthetic rate is called photosynthetic response. Herbs and short-lived perennial shrubs from sunny habitats have high maximum photosynthetic rates that level off at high light intensities. The lowest maximum rates of photosynthesis occur among plants from shady environments. The relationship between food density and animal feeding rate is called the functional response. The shape of the functional response is generally one of three types. The forms of photosynthetic response curves and type 2 animal functional responses are remarkably similar. Energy limitation is a fundamental assumption of optimal foraging theory.

Optimal foraging theory attempts to model how organisms feed as an optimizing process. Evolutionary ecologists predict that if organisms have limited access to energy, natural selection is likely to favor individuals that are more effective at acquiring energy and nutrients. Many animals select food in a way that appears to maximize the rate at which they capture energy. Plants appear to allocate energy to roots versus shoots in a way that increases their rate of intake of the resources that limit their growth. Plants in environments with abundant nutrients but little light tend to invest more energy in the growth of stems and leaves and less in roots. In environments rich in light but poor in nutrients, plants tend to invest more energy in the growth of roots.

The trophic diversity of bacteria, which is critical to the health of the biosphere, can also be used as a tool to address some of our most challenging waste disposal problems. Bacteria can be used to eliminate the huge quantities of sewage produced by human populations, clean up soils and aquifers polluted by petroleum products such as benzene, and eliminate the pollution caused by some kinds of mine waste. The success of these projects requires that ecologists understand the energy and nutrient relations of bacteria. Bacteria will likely continue to play a great role as we address some of our most vexing environmental problems.

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