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Chapter Summary
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Ecologists define a population as a group of individuals of a single species inhabiting an area delimited by natural or human-imposed boundaries. Population studies hold the key to solving practical problems such as saving endangered species, controlling pest populations, or managing fish and game populations. All populations share a number of characteristics. Chapter 9 focused on two population characteristics: distribution and abundance.

While there are few environments on earth without life, no single species can tolerate the full range of earth’s environments. Because all species find some environments too warm, too cold, too saline, and so forth, the physical environment limits the geographic distribution of species. For instance, there is a close relationship between climate and the distributions of the three largest kangaroos in Australia. The tiger beetle Cicindela longilabris is limited to cool boreal and mountain environments. Large- and small-scale variation in temperature and moisture limits the distributions of certain desert plants, such as shrubs in the genus Encelia. However, differences in the physical environment only partially explain the distributions of barnacles within the marine intertidal zone, a reminder that biological factors constitute an important part of an organism's environment.

On small scales, individuals within populations are distributed in patterns that may be random, regular, or clumped. Patterns of distribution can be produced by the social interactions within populations, by the structure of the physical environment, or by a combination of the two. Social organisms tend to be clumped; territorial organisms tend to be regularly spaced. An environment in which resources are patchy also fosters clumped distributions. Aggressive species of stingless bees live in regularly distributed colonies, while the colonies of nonaggressive species are randomly distributed. The distribution of creosote bushes changes as they grow. On larger scales, individuals within a population are clumped. In North America, populations of both wintering and breeding birds are concentrated in a few hot spots of high population density. Clumped distributions are also shown by plant populations living along steep environmental gradients on mountainsides.

Many populations are subdivided into subpopulations called metapopulations. Populations of many species occur not as a single continuously distributed population but in spatially isolated patches, with significant exchange of individuals among patches. A group of subpopulations living on such patches connected by exchange of individuals among patches make up a metapopulation. Populations of the Rocky Mountain Parnassian butterfly, Parnassius smintheus, in Alberta, Canada, and of the lesser kestrel, Falco naumanni, consist of metapopulations. In both metapopulations movement of individuals is predominantly from smaller subpopulations to larger subpopulations.

Population density declines with increasing organism size. In general, animal population density declines with increasing body size. This negative relationship holds for animals as varied as terrestrial invertebrates, aquatic invertebrates, birds, poikilothermic vertebrates, and herbivorous mammals. Plant population density also decreases with increasing plant size. However, the biological details underlying the size–density relationship shown by plants are quite different from those underlying the size–density patterns shown by animals. A single species of tree can span a very large range of sizes and densities during its life cycle. The largest trees start life as small seedlings that can live at very high population densities. As trees grow, their population density declines progressively until the mature trees live at low densities.

Commonness and rarity of species are influenced by population size, geographic range, and habitat tolerance. Rarity of species can be expressed as a combination of extensive versus restricted geographic range, broad versus narrow habitat tolerance, and large versus small population size. The most abundant species and those least threatened by extinction combine large geographic ranges, wide habitat tolerance, and high local population density. All other combinations of geographic range, habitat tolerance, and population size include one or more attributes of rarity. Rare species are vulnerable to extinction. Populations that combine restricted geographic range with narrow habitat tolerance and small population size are the rarest of the rare and are usually the organisms most vulnerable to extinction.

The abundance of organisms and how abundance changes in time and space are among the most fundamental concerns of ecology. To estimate the abundance of species the ecologist must contend with a variety of practical challenges and conceptual subtleties. Mark and recapture methods are useful in the study of populations of active, elusive, or secretive animals. Mark and recapture techniques, which use natural distinguishing marks, are making an important contribution to the study of populations of endangered whales. Ecologists studying organisms, such as corals, algae, and sponges or many types of terrestrial plants, that differ a great deal in size and form often estimate abundance as coverage, the area covered by a species. Patterns of distribution and abundance are ultimately determined by underlying population dynamics.

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