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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Populations, Communities, and Species Interaction

Multiple Choice Quiz


Fill in the blanks in the following taxonomic organization: Kingdom, ____________, Class, Order, ____________, Genus, ______________
A)Phylum, Family, Species
B)Family, Phylum, Species
C)Species, Phylum, Family
D)Phylum, Species, Family

Resource partitioning
A)occurs when several species utilize different parts of the same resource.
B)occurs between day-active insectivorous birds and night-active insectivorous bats.
C)allows species to coexist in the same habitat.
D)all of the above.
E)none of the above.

Which of the following is NOT a commensal relationship?
A)cattle and cattle egrets
B)epiphytic plants and tropical trees
C)cyclamen mites and strawberries
D)none of the above

Because kelp and sea otter depend on and affect each other and other species, they are considered
A)primary producers.
B)K-selected species.
C)pioneer species.
D)keystone species.

Which of the following is characteristic of K-selected species?
A)high prenatal care
B)pioneer species
C)short life
D)many small offspring
E)none of the above

Which of the following is NOT an example of secondary succession?
A)an abandoned field
B)bare rock
C)a clear-cut forest
D)a burned field