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Chapter 10 Data Files
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Milton Arnold Data File Chapter 10 - PC (7.0K)
Milton Arnold Data File Chapter 10 - MAC (5.0K)

Using The Data Files

Naming Convention: For the data files, the naming convention is shown below:
  1. Examples are listed as exa followed by the example number from the text. For instance, Example 8.1.1 from the text is named exa8.1.1 in the files.
  2. Exercises are listed as exr followed by an exercise number. For instance, Exercise 1 of Section 8.1 is named exr8.1.1 in the files.
  3. Review exercises are listed as rev.

Delivering Data into a Statistics Program: To pull a data set into a program such as MINITAB or SAS, use these steps:
  1. Double click the file that you want to open.
  2. Highlight the data that you want to retrieve or click EDIT and SELECT ALL. Click EDIT and COPY.
  3. Open SAS or MINITAB.
  4. In MINITAB, be sure your cursor is on cell one not the cell used to name variables.
  5. Click EDIT and then PASTE. Enter the variable names in the first row of the worksheet.
  6. Be sure to compare the data entries in the file to those in the text. Correct any data entry errors that you find before analyzing the data. This procedure is called cleaning the data.

An Alternative Method for Retrieving Data as a Minitab File : Data can be pulled into MINITAB without using the copy and paste method outlined above if you so desire. Use these steps:
  1. In Minitab, under FILE, click OPEN WORKSHEET.
  2. Under LOOK IN, find the appropriate folder containing the set of data you need.
  3. Under FILES OF TYPE, choose Text ( *.txt ). You will see a list of all the data files in the folder you selected.
  4. Click OPTIONS. Under VARIABLE NAMES, select NONE; under FIELD DEFINITION, select FREE FORMAT. Click OK.
  5. Double click the icon for the file that you want. The data should appear in your worksheet beginning in row 1. Name your variables as desired in the unnumbered row of the worksheet.

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