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Mike Rose
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Mike Rose


This is Rose's page at U.C.L.A., where he's been a professor for a number of years. There, you'll find a photo, a statement about his academic interests, and a selected bibliography.

Here's a brief biography with a photo of Rose and a couple of related links.

The organizers of a talk Rose gave for the National Council of Teachers of English prepared this biographical note for the occasion. How does this biography differ from the first one above? Which would you be more likely to use in a paper about Rose? Why?


Interested in finding out more about writing programs on the web? Well, this hyperlinked page lists hundreds of them, and you're sure to find a good tip or two if you visit a couple.

Mike Rose often writes about school reform. Does that sound like a topic you would like to research? This directory from is sure to give you lots of good ideas and way to narrow your approach.

This page has some information about a PBS show that Rose hosted called English Composition: Writing for an Audience. Can you tell if your library has the series from the computer you're using now? If it doesn't what would be a good way to find it?


Click here to read an excerpt from Possible Lives: The Promise of Public Education in America.

Here are three abstracts of reports Rose has written about remediation in reading and writing. What can you tell about the reports from the abstracts? What kinds of questions would make consulting the reports themselves necessary?

For some more of Rose's work in etext, click over to here, and you'll have a chance to read six excerpts from his book Lives on the Boundary.