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Power & Choice, 8/e
W. Phillips Shively, University of Minnesota---Minneapolis

Democracy and its Recent Surge in the World

Chapter Outline

I. Intro:
  1. only a small number of the world's democracies are stable
  2. groups must agree to accept the democratic bargain

II. The wave of democratization in the 1980s and 1990s

III. Possible explanations
  1. fatigue of some authoritarian regimes
  2. international pressures
  3. people's desire for security against arbitrary abuse
  4. people's desire for economic development

IV. "End of History"
  1. evidence that declaring victory of capitalist democracy in the great ideological debate is premature.

V. What we have learned
  1. The importance of pacts
  2. Sudden change
  3. Crisis or non-crisis
  4. Democracy and freedom
  5. Democracy and capitalism
    1. Example: Democratization in Spain
    2. Example: Fragile democratization in Peru