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Surveys show that first-year students often attend college in order to all the following EXCEPT:
A)get a better job and make more money.
B)learn more about things that interest them.
C)gain a general education.
D)meet a potential life partner.

Another excellent reason to attend college is to:
A)spend a short time studying and learning so you don't have to later in life.
B)learn to communicate and think analytically.
C)meet other people who come from the same background as you do.
D)keep busy after high school.

It's important to remember that, in setting goals:
A)students can achieve any long-term goal they set for themselves.
B)failing to meet a short-term goal will usually make long-term goals impossible.
C)it's necessary to complete some long-term goals while in college.
D)many short-term goals must be completed in order to achieve a long-term goal.

Joe Student is writing a paper about F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. To organize intellectually, he might:
A)read some books about the 1920s, when The Great Gatsby was written.
B)make sure he has enough printer paper.
C)check out biographies of Fitzgerald from the library.
D)A and C only

Which of the following statements from students best exemplifies the W. part of the P.O.W.E.R. philosophy?
A)"I've never been motivated to study, and I never will be."
B)"I scored well on that test-but it was probably easy."
C)"If I work hard, I can raise my biology grade to an A by the end of the semester."
D)"If I were as smart as Suzy Student, I'd get good grades too."

Students who evaluate their work will often:
A)spot errors they missed the first time through.
B)waste time.
C)lose sight of long-term goals.
D)A and C only

Critical thinking involves:
A)reanalyzing and questioning previous assumptions.
B)being a perfectionist.
C)collecting a team of highly intelligent people such as NASA scientists.
D)criticizing other points of view.

Which of these students does not seem to have a fear of success?
A)Brian, who intentionally gets a few questions wrong on the history test
B)Maria, who decides not to apply to college because no one in her family ever has before
C)Letitia, who skips a Friday night party in order to study for an important exam
D)David, who decides not to invite anyone to the dance rather than risk having his offer rejected

The P.O.W.E.R. Learning approach:
A)may not be helpful for students who already work hard and get good grades.
B)emphasizes the value of what psychologists call learned helplessness.
C)helps increase reading speed.
D)None of the above

The phrase that best describes the message of this chapter is:
A)first-generation college students need to use their professors as resources more than other students.
B)college is as much about partying as it is about studying.
C)universities are not only for increasing future income but also for refining social skills.
D)by combining the concepts of preparation, organization, work, evaluation, and rethinking, students can achieve more in college and in life.

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