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In most cases, which of the following receives the most weight in determining the final grade for a course?
A)an essay test
B)an exam
C)a quiz
D)a test including matching, fill-in, and short answer questions

In order to properly prepare for a test, it is important to:
A)ask the professor to provide a list of the questions to be asked.
B)ask the professor whether the test will focus on material covered in lectures, textbook chapters, or both.
C)ask the professor to estimate how many hours of studying the test requires.
D)ask the professor to provide grade distributions from previous semesters.

Ideally study groups:
A)meet the night before a test.
B)sit together the day of the test.
C)help students who lack the motivation to study independently.
D)help even out intelligence differences between students.

Tests including short answer and fill-in questions can be very difficult for some students because:
A)unlike multiple choice and matching tests, the answers are not right on the page.
B)they require thorough analysis of the material.
C)they require more knowledge than other types of tests.
D)A and C only

Although test anxiety can lead to cramming, it can also be said that:
A)text anxiety leads to success.
B)cramming leads to test anxiety.
C)test anxiety only affects students who don't get enough sleep.
D)none of the above.

Students who are organized on test day:
A)never panic.
B)never need to check the clock.
C)never need to consult their books or notes.
D)none of the above.

Once a professor passes out a test, students should:
A)focus all attention on the paper in front of them.
B)check to see how many points each part of the test is worth.
C)complete essay questions first.
D)find out if consulting the textbook is permitted.

Using the educated guessing strategy, which of the following multiple choice answers would you automatically eliminate?
A)President Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968
B)President Roosevelt, who was assassinated at his summer home in Campobello
C)President Nixon, who always wore a bulletproof vest
D)All of the above

Academic honesty:
A)means always telling the professor when someone is cheating.
B)means never having to say you're sorry.
C)means only turning in your own work.
D)means staying out of trouble to avoid being placed on academic probation.

After doing poorly on a test, it is best to:
A)determine whether the poor grade was due to test anxiety or poor preparation.
B)forget about the test and start preparing for the next one.
C)find out whether the test was graded on a curve.
D)concentrate on doing well in other classes.

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