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Journal Reflections
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What Sort of Memory Do I Have?

Throughout this program, you will be given opportunities to enter your thoughts. These opportunities--called Journal Reflections--will permit you to record your reactions to what you have read, your ideas, notes, questions, and concerns.

Above all, be honest in your reactions. If you save these entries and return to them later, you may be surprised at the changes they record over the course of the term.


What kinds of information do you remember best: faces, shapes, colors, smells, names, dates, or facts? Why?

What kinds of information do you have the greatest difficulty remembering? Why do you think this type of information is hard for you to remember?

Is there any particular source of information about which you can remember exceptional amounts, such as baseball records or movie trivia? Why do you think you remember this information so readily?

Think about some of the information from your early school years that you can still easily recall. What factors contributed to this information becoming firmly embedded in your memory?

What kinds of memorization techniques do you now use? Have you ever tried any in the past that didn't work? What would you think you could do to improve your memory?

Do you ever find yourself recognizing someone's face but being unable to recall the name that goes with it? What do you do? When you're introduced to new people, do you do anything special to remember their names?

Do you ever feel that information is 'on the tip of your tongue' but you just can't seem to retrieve it? Have you ever recalled the information you were seeking just a few minutes too late?

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